Pearl colour help please

Thanks everyone for all the helpful advice!! :) I will go with your suggestions - might be a few weeks before I receive them ! Will post a photo when received :-) Yay ! My first proper pearl studs! I think I'm going with either the 7.5-8 or 8-8.5. Tempted to order a strand since I'm paying postage! lol.
If you are able to buy a strand at the same time, I highly recommend going that route! There are a million shades of white and this way you will get a great match from the get-go. Of course, the earrings will not be right next to your strand, and no one will notice if a later strand isn't a perfect match -- but if matching is possible now, it will solve future problems if a matching necklace is in your plans (I did not buy matching earrings at the time...).
I just reminded myself that we are talking about the Hanadama pearls and the price is certainly a factor as they are very very expensive. I don't want you to worry about the matching because as BAS can get something later and the earrings are not next to the strand so the colours will look the same to anyone . The colour will be the same or very close . You just get the same pinked ones from the same source and it will be fine. No pressure . It's a big purchase and you don't want to rush in and get a smaller size to save money and then regret it later. Lol Ok that's it from me.. no more advice !!! Good luck !!
Get the bigger earrings now and wait on the necklace -- or as a temporary replacement for the necklace, see if they can set one or more pearls for you as a pendant and save up for the whole strand later. :)
Glimmeryjewels, have you tried on pearl earrings (at Mikimoto or elsewhere locally) in the pearl sizes you are considering? Personally, I would go with 8-8.5 mm or 8.5-9 mm for the earrings. It seems like most people like the earring pearls to be the same size as, or larger than, the pearls in their strand, so if you go with 7.5-8 mm earrings, that would be the largest size strand that would look "right" with the earrings IMHO.

When I was 30, I purchased 3 strands of 7-7.5 mm Akoyas with matching stud earrings. A decade later, those pearls look really small and juvenile on me. 8-8.5 mm is the smallest size that I like on me now, so I wish I had bought larger pearls back then -- either spent more or bought 1 or 2 larger strands instead.

The PP Hanadama pearls are stunning in person.
My white hanadama pearls have been delivered to Malaysia - where my mother is - to avoid taxes.... now unsure if they are TOO pink, they look almost wholly flat pink colour and no ivory tones at all or even green...
and not really like the Mikimoto ones........because I distinctly remember the mikimoto ones - if u look up close, the >AA quality ones had an ivory edge, but centre reflected pink/green. Oh dear, what to do, what to do. This is why buying online shouldn't be recommended. :-( Should I return it... or wait 2 months for my mother to bring them over!? By then too late to return...

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How does your mother describe the color? It is very difficult indeed to judge from a photo. Also keep in mind that pearls look different in different light.

~Don't panic, you're in good hands with PP. Have your mom photograph the earrings outside of the box on a white paper towel. I've had experience recently of my cell phone camera 'reading' aspects of color incorrectly. It's weird, but the camera grabs onto the pink aspect of pearls and off it goes, self-adjusting. And only with pearls!

~Karin's advice is good, ask your mom what color she's seeing.

I hope you'll let us know :-)
I agree with the above. Ask your Mom what she sees, photograph on white, and contact PP regarding the return window in your situation.

I think they look gorgeous.

BTW, my pinked hanadama also photograph as quite pink but look white on. Let me look for some pictures for you. Here are some old photos.

hanadama 26 inch.jpg

hanadama necklace.jpg

26 inch hanadama with drop earrings.jpg

I do hope you get to try them against your skin.
Environment has a lot to do with the perception. Mikimoto pearls are also pinked. In fact, 99% of akoya pearls are pinked. Black is not the best background, so I agree with the white paper towel idea. I am sure that PP will work with you to fix this if you really aren't happy. Sorry that you have to wait. :)
Environment has a lot to do with the perception. Mikimoto pearls are also pinked. In fact, 99% of akoya pearls are pinked. Black is not the best background, so I agree with the white paper towel idea. I am sure that PP will work with you to fix this if you really aren't happy. Sorry that you have to wait. :)

Haha unfortunately my mum wasn't too helpful and said they look very pink - pinker than the ones in Mikimoto and she suggested I return them! I got her to take more photos - looks very different against the skin so I will wait for her to bring it over. I will try to e-mail PP. Thank you for your posts - very reassuring. Those pearls look lovely BAS!
BAS's pictures look very similar to my experience, so I'd also say not to panic.

My Akoya earrings/necklace also look very (VERY) pink in pictures against the lining of their box, but they look white when I'm wearing them. Here's some shots in the box vs on my neck and against a white background:



View attachment 33937

on neck.jpg

against white background.jpg
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I desperately want a pearl extender like that! May I ask where ... ?
I had it made on custom order. I just phoned the vendor who I bought the strand from and asked them to make me a 2 inch length of matching pearls with a matching clasp at the end. I got the idea from pearl friends here who have bracelets that they add into their strands for extra length. So now I can go from an 18 inch length to 20. It is so handy that I'm thinking of having one done for my Tahitians. Some necklines just need that extra bit of length.