Pastel Multicolor Tahitians from Pearl Paradise

baby nurse

Jun 17, 2013
A strand of pastel multicolor Tahitians had been on my short list for a long time. When one appeared on the PP Blog I was thrilled and purchased it! The piece is 17" long and made up of pearls ranging from 10-11.9mm.

On to the pictures!

Pearl Paradise pastel Tahitian strand

PP pastel Tahitians

wearing my new pearl paradise pastel Tahitian strand

PP pastel Tahitians close up

PP pastel Tahitians laid out

PP pastels close up

PP pastels laid out

Pearl Paradise strand of pastel Tahitian pearls
Everything about that strand is gorgeous: colors, luster, smooth ovals, 10-12mm size! It looks beautiful on you, BN! I look forward to seeing it IRL at the Ruckus.
Stunning. Now, which one feels more special to you, this one, or the Golay one you showed us recently?
BabyNurse what a beautiful and very special strand. It looks perfect on you. ;)
congrats, BN -- i was hoping someone on PG would buy those and show them off!! they look amazing on you!
BN, I think you should become a pearl neck model because every strand looks great on you!
Beautiful strand, I like the pastels with colourful overtones a lot more than dark body Tahitian pearls. Of course it helps that every strand of pearls look great on you. :p
These are gorgeous and look lovely on you. Okay I have to ask, where do you purchase all of your knits/sweaters from? I love them almost as much as your pearls!
baby nurse -- what a special and lovely strand! Wear your new Tahitians in the best of health. They certainly ended up exactly where they belong. On you!!!