Pastel Multicolor Tahitians from Pearl Paradise

Everything about that strand is gorgeous: colors, luster, smooth ovals, 10-12mm size! It looks beautiful on you, BN! I look forward to seeing it IRL at the Ruckus.

Thank you, Kay-- I'll be happy to bring it along!
BN - can't wait to see the strand at the ruckus, too! It is stunning!!!
Stunning. Now, which one feels more special to you, this one, or the Golay one you showed us recently?

I'm going to be corny and say that these are like my kids-- I could never pick one over the other.

Each of these strands has very different colors. The PP one looks amazing with certain outfits that the other doesn't and vice versa. So, both are *extremely* wearable and loved!
Gorgeous Tahitians, baby nurse. I look forward to seeing it in person.
Thank you for the kind words, Lorri, kalmen, GemGeek, JerseyPearl, PearlDreams, katbran, Marianne:)
Beautiful strand, I like the pastels with colourful overtones a lot more than dark body Tahitian pearls. Of course it helps that every strand of pearls look great on you. :p

Thanks, kelluvpearls!

I was thinking about your collection... do you have any Tahitian strands?
These are gorgeous and look lovely on you. Okay I have to ask, where do you purchase all of your knits/sweaters from? I love them almost as much as your pearls!

Thank you, hanadama : )

I buy my knitwear from They're located in the UK but have offices in the US and ship everywhere. I'm located in NE US and I freeze from Oct to April. Sooo I buy a lot of this company's cashmere crew necks and cardigans, and some of their cropped crew cardis for spring/fall.
BN, you have the most gorgeous collection!! Can you pls adopt me?

Icy let's be adopted together!!! I want to be adopted by BN, too!

YES to both!! We will pool/share our marvelous collections ; )
Thanks, kelluvpearls!

I was thinking about your collection... do you have any Tahitian strands?

Only a couple of strands, I have a dark body cherry strand, it's beautiful but I don't wear it. A circled pearl rope beautiful too but I don't wear it. A few DIY projects but the pearls aren't very interesting. Tahitian pearls are difficult for me to purchase, the overtones are usually a lot more prominent in the photos than in real life. My dream strand would be one like IcyJade's wave strand.