Paspaley/stringing pearls

knotty panda

Pearl Knotting & Wire Expert
Apr 11, 2007
Several months ago I heard Paspaley had a method of stringing pearls that 1) made the knots invisible and 2) had no stretch. Well, I contacted Paspaley to ask how this was accomplished figuring the worst they could say was no, and that's precisely what they said.

However! My sluthing side-kick (not saying who GEMGEEK!) snuck into Paspaley, at their invitation on the tour and got the secret! She didn't know I was hot on the knotting secret trail, shucky darn. Because had I known she was going to be privvy to this information, I would have had her video tape it and get thread samples!

Here's what she wrote me:

"can't even catch up on the posts, there were soooo many while I was away. I thought about you when I was in the Paspaley Pearl grading room. Wowee! Vats of South Sea Pearls as far as the eye can see. And they knot with two double strands so closely that you can't tell that there are knots between the pearls. All the pearls are on one double strand and the second double strand is drawn through and knotted with each pearl. I'm not sure if it was square knotting or two ties in the same direction. "

Can anyone say "carrier line"? Duh! I don't know if it's really a square knot or the larkshead knot I use, but I'll bet it's the larkshead because it's so small.

Now, for the no stretch thing. I'll bet is a synthetic thread of their own composition that might couple silk and spandex (for all I know) something with a stretch memory on the carrier line and silk for the knot line.

The carrier line has to have a stretch memory for the following reason. When pearls are knotted, they are knotted in a straight line. When they are worn around the neck, the distance between the center of pearls (where the knot meets) is elongated which creates the stretch. You don't notice this on small pearls as quickly as you do on the Pattye-sized ones. On the big ones, it's not uncommon to have a huge thread gap between the pearls that entirely disappears when the pearls are worn. So, to accomodate that stretch, they must be using some sort of memory thread. I use kite line or softtouch or beadsmith no-stretch, whatever is handy, but I use threads with no stretch. I'll bet they have some sort of stretchy thread. I'm going to have to experiment. :)

Thanks Good Buddy!

What about a serger thread? Think that would do it? Anyone else have any suggestions?
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I've been outed! (Just for the record, that quote was from a private message.) Ooo! I would have video-taped the knotting, but I think that was off-limits. While I was in their operations, I had to ask before I took each photo. And a photo wouldn't be of value with knotting.

I looked at the knotters as closely as I could from about six feet away. If my eyes were lasers, they would have been burnt to a crisp, because I was so fascinated!
Well, Hon, you done good. Even if you didn't know I was curiously snooping their methods. Man, I wish I would have known they were going to give you such a rare treat! Of course, now that I've outted both of us no one is EVER getting in their knotting room ever again! But you have definitely given me a good lead. From your description it's definitely the carrier line they are using. I just have to use the KISS principle to think this through. Serger thread is as far as my thinking takes me at this point.
Here is a picture anyway...:p


  • knotting-paspaley.JPG
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Here I am screaming! Well, it looks like a serger thread spool, but it truly could be any kind of commercially prepared spool. I'm going to try some serger just because I can't think of anything else to try. I suppose they have you under proprietary secrecy too, Mr. Shepherd! Talk about teasing!
Good one, Jeremy! Now they'll never let us come back and if they do, the engineering guys will beat us up for using their rope knotting photo!
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jshepherd said:
Here is a close-up of the knotting room!


Yeah... but for knotting what ? Fishnet? :D

And those 'beads' (the other picture). Are whales into pearls lately? Only Paspaley, of course ;)

Thanks for the laugh !
HOLY COW! Are those Tahitians or automobile transmission links!
Actually, they had a cool device for tightening the knots on the ropes. While I was watching, I was thinking about how I could adapt it for pearl knotting. The ropes are used to tie the buoys that float the nets that hold the growing oysters.
LOL! Does Mr. #1 Paspaley knotter use a brass or tin needle? LOL. How funny! I feel so inferior. The knotting room would have been worth the price of admission for me. And meeting Mr. Humbert, I would have done that too. Are you all going to post all your pics? Maybe we might need a pearl-guide MySpace page!
Photos are coming. If Jeremy posted all of his, he'd have to add new servers!
I have video of Jeremy freeing the boat propeller after Bruno Wan snagged the long lines. They're wild boat drivers over there:)
You shot that?!

Here is a pic of the three of us. That is Bruno Wan driving and GemGeek protecting her delicate skin from the harsh climate of Marutea Sud;)


  • Bruno Wan J Shepherd GemGeek.JPG
    Bruno Wan J Shepherd GemGeek.JPG
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Well, ahem, I didn't want to scorch my skin, although it would be nice to get a shade darker than "beached whale white". The sun is a lot stronger there, nearer the equator;)

Great photo -- who took it?
Bruno drove that boat so hard over the chop my fanny was bruised for a week. But, I'm still smiling in the photo. I guess I'm just a happy person, even when a sadist is driving the boat.:)
Wow that looks like fun- next time I'm goin too! Lol... Seriously though, great pics Jer and GemGeek- I'm looking forward to seeing a full account of the tour!