P. Maculata + P. Maxima: Once and for all.

A wonderful saga--I love pearls with a history and some mystery thrown in for good measure. You have such special pearls and have used them to create art--the whole being more than the sum of its parts, even if the parts are amazing pearls!
I love pearls with a history and some mystery thrown in for good measure.
The natural and human elements in the creation of a piece deserve to be told, and add so much to its appreciation. As I am not at professional risk and have a rather thick skin, it was my hope that sharing this process?typically shrouded under the cloak of greater discretion?would be of interest!
Your journey through the pearl world is, indeed, most interesting, and your ability to find fantastic pearls is awesome. I still remember the feel of the Cook Island keshi bracelet in my hands. So silky and heavy.
Budi has another drop, P Maxima 11.5cts, below left. And offers have arrived from another 'diver w/crew' two islands away on Lombok (Lower middle and right: 16ct P. Maxima 'oval'; Upper middle: 12.2ct 'Nautilus'/clam?w/chatoyance; Upper right: 4.5ct P. Maxima bicolor oval). Included in the new offer are Cassis Cornuta (quite ugly), various tridacna, pinna nobilis and even a whopping 18.1ct coconut pearl.

If this keeps up it's going to be difficult focusing on work!

X-Rays of Budi's Drop and Poe Io's SS center in the next post.


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Took the X-Rays this morning.

Decided to take a shot of Poe Io's center drop for control. You can quite clearly see the twisting exterior of the post. Nacre thickness obliterates any evidence of a bead. GIA's equipment must be far superior!

Budi's drop from two angles: Opaque. Clearly the X-Rays leave something to be desired.

Don't know what to think, all comments welcome.


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Took the X-Rays this morning.

Decided to take a shot of Poe Io's center drop for control. You can quite clearly see the twisting exterior of the post. Nacre thickness obliterates any evidence of a bead. GIA's equipment must be far superior!

Budi's drop from two angles: Opaque. Clearly the X-Rays leave something to be desired.

Don't know what to think, all comments welcome.

Hi, Steve,

At the lower pole of each x-ray you can see the tell-tale line and the dark open space of gas of a bead/pearl interface. Faintly, you can trace much of the arc of the bead. In my opinion, Budi sent a bead cultured pearl.

Thanks, Tom. I am seeing what you see now, and your conclusion appears correct! Immediate question would be whether the price for the pearl should be adjusted based upon this evidence.

Just today Ben Bergman reluctantly advised that 11.33mm was too small for him to recommend as a replacement for Poe Io's 13.5mm center, natural or not. Our early eyeball measurements at 12mm would have been his downsize limit.

So back to the drawing board it would seem!

It's about the journey (or so I may need to convince myself!).
Steve, I'm so sorry! Just have patience. It will happen. All is not lost, thanks for the education.
Don't know what to think, all comments welcome.

Since you asked........ Either have the pearl tested by the GIA or send it back to Budi. If it is in fact bead nucleated, why keep it, since the pearl's quality appears to leave a lot to be desired. ;)

BTW, I happen to like the way the current pearl looks in the necklace.

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Thanks and no, we certainly don't need the pearl. Will see what the seller's position will be and report here.

As I stated early in this thread, seller may regret his decision to seek exposure.

Can we call this 'taking one for the team'?
Thanks and no, we certainly don't need the pearl. Will see what the seller's position will be and report here.

As I stated early in this thread, seller may regret his decision to seek exposure.

Can we call this 'taking one for the team'?

Somewhere on the forum, Budi said that he sent a pearl to JNorris.
It might be a good idea to contact JNorris and, if possible, find out the result of the pearl that was sent to him.

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Hi, all.

I just opened this thread today after being told by my friends,and I’ve been a very shocked with this thread, and the result also. And I don’t know if the transactions details is being posted with my photos also. I’ve though that it’s a private transactions before would never use the forum for transaction exposure.
And I’ve also made a short investigations to my own diver who found that pearl directly.
Although the diver still defend his idea about that pearl is natural.
Some how, that is our weakness, that we don’t have a dentist x-rays technology here in our small town for proofed it.
Personally, I’m asking for appologize, especially for steve.

I think, I’m very confused about the pearls of oyster pinctada. That’s why I’ve joined this forum for building up my pearls knowledge.
As I told you before, we are only an octopus divers that’s often find a pearls for side line work.
And there is no cultured pearl farm here in our town. As I know.
And I told you that I’m never mean to fooling anybody. As you see in the photos, we don,t use a digital ruler to measure the pearl.

So, I think I would like to let steve make his decisions for the pearl according the deal that we've made before.
From now, I would prefer to only work in my mainly work. Or maybe only in gastropods pearls.
The pearl that I’ve send to Jnorris is only cassis pearls.
Hi budi
t’s a private transactions before would never use the forum for transaction exposure.
You came on here and started pushing your pearls on the forum. The first batch had a lot of glass- looking pearls, objects that never could have been formed in a pinctada as you claimed. We teased you a bit about "mustika" pearls, but cut you some slack.

These men are trading opinions- no experts have verified their origin. But the x-ray raises more questions that it solves. Until we have a record of truthful and fair prices for your pearls, I would caution anyone interested in one to get it tested -- with the agreement from you that if it is not an actual natural pearl, the buyer should get to keep the pearls in exchange for the costs of testing it. In other words don't send cultured pearls or you won't get them back.

You have jumped over many peoples backs to come over here and deal with consumers directly. You are not paying the money to get certifications and thus a fair price. You are a very risky seller. This deal illustrated everything that is wrong about people buying from sellers, who don't have the wherewithall to conduct business properly.

As I recall, When Tom first started buying natural pearls around Borneo, he had every one tested. The first year there were a lot of bead nucleated pearls. When those were returned unsold, the pearl divers got the idea Tom would not buy unless the pearl was natural and the cultured ones were not presented as often after that.

This is not the time for righteous indignation and demanding apologies.
BTW, you asked to be my friend on Facebook and I allowed it, but all you do is solicit sales. Now your friends are asking to be my friends too. I don't think I will allow them, and I am about ready to cancel you too. You go public and then object when someone else goes public.
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Thanks and no, we certainly don't need the pearl. Will see what the seller's position will be and report here.

As I stated early in this thread, seller may regret his decision to seek exposure.

Can we call this 'taking one for the team'?

Hi, Steve,

First, sorry you had this experience. Yes, there is an ugly world out there sometimes, and we can be thankful for GIA and some labs for keeping predators in check. As a fair man, I don't want to judge Budi, who may be blameless; nor do I want to spend a lot of time figuring out where in the chain the fraud took place. That is his problem.

Something about this makes my blood boil...perhaps it is the persistant denial of cultured farms in the area, or blaming it on some deceptive diver. Knowingly or not, he sold you cultured but represented it as natural.

If he doesn't refund you in full for all of your costs, not simply for the pearl--without another gripe and without delay--I say upon your report the Forum powers might think about how much more BS we want to hear.

Of course, it is also always important to maintain awareness of the lesser side by staying close to it. So, let's see what comes next. Very interesting, indeed!

I don?t know if the transactions details is being posted with my photos also. I?ve though that it?s a private transactions before would never use the forum for transaction exposure.
Budi, The details of our transaction have not been exposed here.

So, I think I would like to let steve make his decisions for the pearl according the deal that we've made before.
From now, I would prefer to only work in my mainly work. Or maybe only in gastropods pearls.
Our deal was for a natural pearl, so the decision is yours. But I do hope you, Mahmud and the others do not decide to go back underground with your treasures, as there are many among us that do appreciate a closer look from the source.

We all just need a wine-loving dentist.
Hello Everyone,

My attention was recently brought to this thread and quite frankly, I am infuriated and disappointed. In the past and even now, my family and I are constantly faced with suppliers trying to push merchandise like this onto us. I have had enough with this type of business tactic.

I am only 23 years old and have only been involved in this business for 6 months, but I understand that credibility, good reputation, and honesty are essential for the equity of success amongst all involved in the trade, and the continuation of repeat business. I am not a G.G., but I have spent hundreds of hours reviewing X-rays of bead cultured pearls and I can say with confidence that these ones from Budi are definitely bead cultured. The sale of these pearls as naturals, is a complete violation of honesty and a blatant display of deception.

It should not be hard for everyone to understand, from the diver to the retailer, that it is a group effort. If a diver brings a cultured pearl to a wholesaler, the report will not identify it as natural. The wholesaler cannot sell the pearl to a retailer and consequentially, the retailer cannot supply their customers. The retailer cannot get paid, the wholesaler cannot make a sale, and the the diver will not get repeat business.

When a diver supplies a natural to a wholesaler, the retailer gets a good product, the customers are happy, and the cycle of business repeats. Everyone is happy.

Budi, I hope you can understand this. Furthermore, you are fully obligated to refund Steve for these pearls that you represented as natural.

Steve, I recommend you get your refund in full and as far as doing business again with Budi, it is up to your discretion of course. However, he has already damaged your ability to make a profitable sale and his opportunity to get prosperous repeat business from you, and anyone else.

After my own first hand experiences, and the difficulties I have seen my parents endure, I would like to state that we have absolutely no tolerance for rip-offs like this at our organization.

-Tom M. Stern
Hai mr.steve...from my experience that pearl are cultured pearl, so just solve this case with budi's.