@ Pattye. This is the only Melo I've ever seen let alone handled in real life so although I cant see any indications of it being fake I also don't have much to compare it with.
@ Dizzie. No the auction took place but the Melo was held at a rather high reserve (not as high as typical auction results, but high compared to the usual bidders that turn up). Its a government auction that's held about once a month so what happens if nobody bids is that it usually gets re-listed with a lower reserve next time.
@ Caitlin. I really tried and to look but could not find any indications of foul play, but again its difficult for me as I've never handled a Melo in real life before. Besides that there are other articles there that are genuine and I think come from the same person or collection, like this art nouveau piece:

@ Dizzie. No the auction took place but the Melo was held at a rather high reserve (not as high as typical auction results, but high compared to the usual bidders that turn up). Its a government auction that's held about once a month so what happens if nobody bids is that it usually gets re-listed with a lower reserve next time.
@ Caitlin. I really tried and to look but could not find any indications of foul play, but again its difficult for me as I've never handled a Melo in real life before. Besides that there are other articles there that are genuine and I think come from the same person or collection, like this art nouveau piece: