Opera Length Strand of WSS and Tahitians

baby nurse

Jun 17, 2013
I purchased this strand of WSS and Tahitians from Pkinnew who has been selling her pearl collection. Her taste in pearls is exquisite. While I doubt I could so graciously part with my pearls, she seems genuinely happy when one of her pieces finds a loving home. Thank you, Pkinnew-- wishing you the best of health and happiness.

This 27" strand is originally from Pearl Paradise and is made up of baroque to drop shaped pearls that are 9-12mm. There is also a matching bracelet : )






It is nice to know that part of Pkins fabulous collection has been re-homed to a pearl connoisseur as yourself. It looks lovely on you. Enjoy your new beauties.
Thanks, newberry. I am so blessed! Each of these pieces is so uniquely beautifully.
One of a kind they all are and very special. I remember well when she was having them put together. I am so glad they are now yours and still in our pearl circle.
Lovely pearls, and so happy they have a good home with you Baby Nurse.

(sometimes, when I review Baby Nurse's wonderful pearl photos, I am tempted to re-home my entire winter wardrobe and replace with beautiful sweaters ... I somehow doubt I would do such with Baby Nurse's style, skill & panache ... :))
Lovely pearls, and so happy they have a good home with you Baby Nurse.

(sometimes, when I review Baby Nurse's wonderful pearl photos, I am tempted to re-home my entire winter wardrobe and replace with beautiful sweaters ... I somehow doubt I would do such with Baby Nurse's style, skill & panache ... :))

Thanks, Cathy. I promise to take very good care of them and give them a lot of love!

Re your comment about a new winter wardrobe, I literally laughed out loud!!! Your sense of humor is The. Best.
That strand looks gorgeous on you, Baby Nurse! I love the pattern of white and black pearls. I'm so happy this special piece found a good home.
BabyNurse - your grey sweater with the subtle black & white specks goes PERFECTLY with the beautiful B&W necklace!!!
Thank you for sharing and enjoy!
So glad they are still in 'the family'!
baby nurse -- what wonderful photos to look through with my Saturday morning cup o' Joe! It's a beautiful piece I always much admired. It must bring pkinnew some happiness to know it is appreciated and worn with love.

Could you please share photos of some of the other pieces you bought from her? I'm sure we'd all like to see them!!! I've always admired both her taste and yours tremendously!
Congratulations one another gorgeous piece, Baby Nurse! Your collection is really amazing! I can't wait to see what you acquire next! You have excellent taste!