One more exotic

Lovely pearls! All of them! I noticed what looks like a greenish pearl in your new exotic freshwater necklace. Pretty cool.
Fabulous collection! And what a wonderful way to admire them! The photos are great, really catch the colors beautifully. Thanks soooooo much!

so many pearls, so little time
Your photos are so good, it's like opening presents on Christmas morning! ;)
Hi Inge,

Very beautiful pictures and very beautiful pearls! Fit for a queen.

Wow!! So many beautiful pearls!! Thank you for sharing the photos. I love looking at beautiful pearls even when they are not mine.;)
Hi everyone of our PG-family

and THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH for you kind replies. I have shown them to my husband since he is the one, whou should get all the credit for photographing and posting.

I am not quite satisfied with the colours but several of you do have at least one Exotic so You know exactly what the colours look like in real life!

And thank you all for sharing YOUR lovely pics.:)
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All of your pearls are beautiful, I would have a hard time deciding what to wear. Your exotic strand turned out to be exceptionally pretty, the clasp is great! Thanks for your pics.
Hi Inge,
Your pearl collection is very lovely. Those "big greys" look great on you and do not look too formal at all. They have a lot of character, actually. You must enjoy deciding what you will wear each day. Thank you for sharing.
Really gorgeous collection! I especially love the "big greys" and of course the graduated exotics - fabulous!

i echo the rest in saying they are beautiful. they look like really expensive pearls.
Inge, your photos, and your pearls, are amazing! That lovely strand that Jeremy put together really does have a golden glow about it, doesn't it, and the green in it is fantastic! I'm glad that the strand has such a lovely home -always hoped it would belong to one of the PGers!

The big greys don't look too formal - but then again, pearls never look too formal for me! My favourites are the famous akoyas - they are stunning, and the silver Tahitians. It is strands like your Tahitians that have made me completely rethink the way I look at these pearls - they are so so elegant!

Thank you (& your husband!) for the photos - they are a real treat!
Hi Nerida
and thanks for your nice words. Yes, I really do appreciate my pearlstrands and I am wearing them constantly and as I have quite many, I try to change them all the time. The Exotic strand (the large graduated) one is beautiful, in direct sunlight the colours disappear and it looks like pure silver. The Akoya strand is lovely too but my true love belongs with round pearls, the exception are the Tahitians, they look good in every shape.

May I ask did you knot this first strand of yours and finish it with gimp (french buillion) or did you use crimp and a crimpcover?
Congratulations anyway - if you have strung it you now know how much fun it is to do it for yourself.

I look forward to see pictures. My husband thanks goes to all our members, he was very flattered by all the compliments on the pics..:D
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Hi Inge and everyone - OK, so it's not knotted - but on wire with crimp BUT I am experimenting with knotting today. The one I have done is gorgeous mottly looking bead nuc FW from Carolyn E - very kasumi-ish. The knotting has got to be good before I tackle my huge keishis!
Still can't find the cable for the camera to download the pics!
Hi Inge and everyone - OK, so it's not knotted - but on wire with crimp BUT I am experimenting with knotting today. The one I have done is gorgeous mottly looking bead nuc FW from Carolyn E - very kasumi-ish. The knotting has got to be good before I tackle my huge keishis!
Still can't find the cable for the camera to download the pics!

Never mind Nerida, the photos were lovely and when you finally knot your first strand we will see it, I hope! It is not that easy to get nice (finished) crimps without marks on them - so....:)
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Lovely photos of even lovelier pearls! And none of the pearls looks "too formal" at all!