I am new here and recently purchased this string of about 6.5 mm pearls mainly for the beautiful clasp which has over 1 ct. dwt in old mine diamonds in 14 KT (as marked) yellow gold. It is a box pearl clasp with a marking that I found a picture of on the internet. How old do you think the pearls are what kind? The pearls are cream with a rose overtone. I assume ths clasp would be from the early 1900s with the old mine cut diamonds. I'm sorry for my poor photographs, my phone camera is not good on closeups.

I am new here and recently purchased this string of about 6.5 mm pearls mainly for the beautiful clasp which has over 1 ct. dwt in old mine diamonds in 14 KT (as marked) yellow gold. It is a box pearl clasp with a marking that I found a picture of on the internet. How old do you think the pearls are what kind? The pearls are cream with a rose overtone. I assume ths clasp would be from the early 1900s with the old mine cut diamonds. I'm sorry for my poor photographs, my phone camera is not good on closeups.