Oh My God! Pp Monthly!!

First, I just want to thank Callire for alerting us to this great sale.
My pearls arrived last night, they are gorgeous!
I am going to string them with an antique clasp, but I thought I would share some photos now. The pearls are 8.5 - 9mm. For size and color reference, the off white pearls are 6mm and have a slight pink overtone.

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I can't wait to see your photos (as they are pending approval I see). I also bought the PP monthly special the morning they went on sale (8-8.5mm). Every day I'm checking the UPS tracking info even though I know they'll arrive on Friday. :) I can't wait!!!
Wow, gorgeous. I just couldn't work it out financially, but I'm telling myself that we see untreated akoya from time to time, and we will again. And I'll be ready. :D
OMG is right !!! they look better than picture on PP site.... I can't wait to see mine.....
Most professionals say that they always manipulate the picture using photoshop for example.

However, I don't. (No access to PS and I don't see the need.)

To echo Heidi, one can eliminate the need for post-processing with setup, particularly if the photo's ultimate destination is the web because most web images are 72dpi.

Everyone here probably knows this, but since "Photoshopping" is colloquially synonymous with radically changing an image-- photography that didn't come out perfectly, perhaps because it was taken under less than ideal conditions, is indeed "manipulated" as a matter of course by changing levels, contrast, sharpness, selective color editing, even spot burning/dodging. But the goal for scrupulous pros is to make the image more true to its real life appearance-- basically to make the image more informative, not to mislead.

Not saying anyone here thought any different-- just wanted to bring that up for the record, perpetuity, future members etc. ;)


I swoon at your pictures. Your akoyas are just EXQUISITE!!! The color/overtone is what floors me!
Raj those pearls are stunning. So blue yet so pink.. here comes my pearl-lust again..
Yes, those are terrific pearls, wonderful natural color and I agree even better than PP's shots. Looks like the blue akoyas are sympathetically borrowing some of their pink from the off-whites, a great statement on the lustre of the blues.

Our strand was shipped today?ground, unfortunately.
Your strand is amazing!! After I saw your strand, I ordered three of the 9-9.5mm strands. Now I have to choose between them and the three 8-8.5mm I ordered earlier. From the PP pictures it looked like the larger sized strands weren't as lustrous as the smaller sized ones, but your pictures show otherwise. Thanks for posting the photos.
Woo Hoo! Those are sooo pretty. I got some the first time around and I am still as smitten with them as when I first saw them. ;)
Great photos, and even greater in real life! These are some of my favorite pearls to look at, but unfortunately don't look as good on me as on others! :(
I just got a message that mine had been shipped, ordered them on Friday, and was hoping to get them soon, but I'll just have to wait. Wow, Wow, they look awesome.

I'm in the same boat than you.... order was confirmed last Thursday and shipped only today.... I was told ( few times in my life) that patience is a virtue......
Thank you all, for your kind words and wonderful feedback. Can't wait to see pictures of everyone else's strands!