Oh My God! Pp Monthly!!

The strand on the right was from PP's Monthly Special. I purchased this strand to go with the left strand which I purchased from an eBay seller about a month ago. The earrings were also from the same eBay seller. Pattye kindly provided me with information on what to look for on an akoya strand.

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I've been following this thread and wow! Those are some gorgeous pearls!! And they're mostly sold out already!!

I would just not have much to wear them with, not being a "blue" girl. And of course I just bought my first strand of "formal" pearls (if wearing them all the time with jeans is "formal) and can't justify another purchase at this time. Thank goodness! This IS an evil site....tsk.

Enjoy your new pearls, ladies. And neck shots are always appreciated. ;-)
I will try to put up a neck shot (first time ever taking a picture of my neck...please disregard the moles ;)). Hope it comes through. These are 8.0-8.5mm and simply amazing to stare at all day long. I need to take some macro shots with good lighting...when it gets sunny out! I am just super happy with this purchase and have always wanted silvery-blue akoyas!!


EDIT: Finally got it working!!!
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Fantastic !
They look absolutely stunning on you, jiazzi.
Moles ? What moles ?
All I see is a beautiful young neck adorned with amazing pearls....
(I already have the pearls; now, how to achieve the neck....):D
Fantastic !
They look absolutely stunning on you, jiazzi.
Moles ? What moles ?
All I see is a beautiful young neck adorned with amazing pearls....
(I already have the pearls; now, how to achieve the neck....):D

I agree. You and the pearls look faboo! ;)
>>>kicking myself for not getting a strand of these fabulous pearls :rolleyes:

Well done ladies on your purchases :D

DK :)
You are all so incredibly kind. Thank you for your graciousness, my moles don't feel so out of place. :) I also wanted to post more close up shots once the sun wanted to come out today. These pearls seem to change colors all the time...from baby blue to metallic silver...utterly chameleon. Here they are... Enjoy!




I went twice to the mailroom to see if they were there before I realized that there was no mail today for President's Day. Of course we have school.

Sheryl, are yours coming USPS? Mine were shipped UPS and arrived today.
I confess! I have been a secret pearl addict since I first joined this forum. :) You know you're a pearl addict when you quietly snap away photos of your pearls at work (note the red pushpin for scale).
Sheryl, are yours coming USPS? Mine were shipped UPS and arrived today.

USPS - yes. They arrived in Honolulu, and are probably in our local post office right now. I guess I could break in.... :D
USPS - yes. They arrived in Honolulu, and are probably in our local post office right now. I guess I could break in.... :D
Package on the UPS truck for delivery to our office this morning. Driver arrived at 7:45 am and conveniently recorded that we were 'closed for holiday' (no such thing). Requested redelivery but it was too late, awaiting the pearls tomorrow.