Hi Caitlin,
What would you do with the tiny Abalone pearls if you managed to get them drilled. They are so tiny from the sound of it that they would be lost in a necklace unless you have enough of them to make several strands so they could be wound around each or whatever.
Have you ever thought of using them in an old piece of high quality jewellery (if you only have a few), say as replacements for seed pearls that have been lost or similar or one day getting a piece of jewellery made up using them, loads of them, in it.
I have, as you know, many little seed pearls but no Abalone. You lucky woman you!!

Abalone pearls are so very beautiful, no matter what size.
I suppose they would look wonderful as dividers between Tahitian pearls or similar but might blind you trying to thread them.
I have some tiny, weany little Japanese (Akoya I guess) pearls that when I first saw them thought they were just a piece of thread. They are that small. I am not even sure where they are now because they are so small they hide in a serious way.
I can lose anything so these tiny babies might be lost forever

Must have a look for them this weekend as I had actually forgotten all about them. They would make great little dividers but I will end up with a serious headache after "trying" to work with them.
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