Katbran, oh no, they do look lovely IRL. Very high luster and good color variation. It's just direct sun that makes them change and we have A LOT of sun here. I'm worried all this beauty will be a waste simply because of our whether. Well, direct sun doesn't do any favours to any pearl I guess

but akoyas are especially vulnerable I suppose - they get that translucent "scared" look in the sun.. well, we'll see)
GemGeek, good point on the evenings ladies)) and a good reason to go out more for me!

thank you!)
JerseyPearl, thank you! I don't seem to be able to maintain even my personal instagram.. not to mention a pearly one)) but I will look into it, thank you!
Abi, thank you! I do have another present planned for my mother-in-law (it involves a blue south sea pearl and madama akoyas

), but I'm not sure I will be in time with that one.. so this necklace could be a good back-up option))
CathyKeshi, Walter will hate me, won't he

actually those ombre strands were the reason I started my etsy! Oh I remember I was so panicking sending them to you)))) good it ended up well)) I also doubt between orbit clasps and mini ball clasps.. will think about it)) thank you!