My multicolor tahitians/Rikitea Gambier strand from Cees

Charlotta, Your new strand has breathtaking colors! You look terrific in it and that clasp is outstanding! I drool over Cees's pearls, though I haven't purchased from him ~ yet. I'm so sorry about your kitty passing. Our pets give us so much pleasure and entertainment. Please keep us updated on this new little one. Have you named her yet?

86Corvettegirl, saddened to hear of your fall, please take care of yourself and let the hubby give you lots of TLC. Thankfully you are still able to type. Wow, new pearls coming to you also, excited to see them! How one restrings a harpoon clasp is something I haven't figured out yet. I do like the looks, though.
Thank you Ericw, Amti, Masik and Pattye. No name for little kitten yet Pattye, I told the insurancecompany to write the name as
Little Cat, they said to just call when I have a name and they change it. I also ordered some Beaders Secret from Pearlescence. She didn't have navy so I ordered some other colors, ivory, taupe and gold. I have used taupe silk for tahitians for year, it will probably be fine. Mostly I need to restring my triple akoya strand. It is sort of more yellow so maybe gold will work (or ivory). That strand is not fun restringing, many very small pearls.
Charlotta, Your new strand has breathtaking colors! You look terrific in it and that clasp is outstanding! I drool over Cees's pearls, though I haven't purchased from him ~ yet. I'm so sorry about your kitty passing. Our pets give us so much pleasure and entertainment. Please keep us updated on this new little one. Have you named her yet?

86Corvettegirl, saddened to hear of your fall, please take care of yourself and let the hubby give you lots of TLC. Thankfully you are still able to type. Wow, new pearls coming to you also, excited to see them! How one restrings a harpoon clasp is something I haven't figured out yet. I do like the looks, though.

Thank you, Pattye. Typing is a little challenging with only 1 good hand.
Charlotta, your new pearls are gorgeous and that clasp is to die for! I'm sorry about your cat but welcome to the new kitty.
86Corvettegirl, ouch ouch ouch! I know those beautiful new pearls will lessen the pain a little bit.
Charlotta, wow your pearls are gorgeous. Bet they will be your "go to strand" for many years!

86Corvettegirl, will be keeping you in my thoughts. Falling is not a good thing for anyone beyond high school age!
Thanks Parrot Lady and Marianne, I think it will be my go to strand as well. The size is perfect for every day yet the luster and colors makes it perfect even for more dressy occasions. I can always were bigger studs as well.
Thank you, Parrot Lady & Marianne. Taking a fall is no fun at all. But I do have new pearls on the way to console me. Charlotta has me drooling over Rikitea Tahitians with their phenomenal luster now! I agree that this necklace will be her go to necklace!
Wow, Charlotta, gorgeous strand, and that clasp is fabulous.
Thank you Battah, that book pendant of yours is really pretty. I saw it on instagram. Very nice,.