Natural Abalone Pearls

Is this better

Is this better

Hi Laurenb,

Thank you so much for your feedback - I tried to post an update to this, but I think it was the wrong forum area.

Based on your comments below I am trying to make my personal website a little easier to read. Hopefully it's not to "simple" now you can see the changes at

Again, any feedback is appreciated while I try my best to learn. I'm still working on it, so not all the images are up yet... It's slow work when you're learning.

Thanks and kind regards.

The pendants are beautiful!

A respectful suggestion about your Web site (because it seems to be in the late stages of ongoing construction (the "click here links") ? your background is a bit dark. I find that the text is still readable, but it does not stand out. Likewise, the colors of your pearls don't pop, but seem a little swallowed. Saturated backgrounds with darker text is a dated design convention that may not be in line with goods of the quality and price you're featuring.

It's very oceany ? I see why that color was chosen and see why you might elect to keep it, but I thought I'd mention it. Thank you for sharing this with us and good luck with auctioning, if you decide to go that route! :)
California Abalone Pearls

California Abalone Pearls

Am wondering if anyone out there is still interested in talking about abalone pearls? (The last post here is 2007.) In the 70's I befriended a local diver who saved abalone pearls for me. Absolutely gorgeous pearls from either the black or red abalones that were harvested locally. I have the classic horn shaped, brilliant blue/rainbow pearls and some very unusual, baroque white pearls. I also had some round pearls, but drilled and/or set most of them for jewelry. I saved all of the large pearls.. didn't know quite how to use them and I knew they were extraordinary, but had no idea they were or would be so valuable. I can upload photos if someone is interested. I'm trying to find out values, and am also interested in any information I can gather. I have a feeling that some of these pearls are unique, gem quality. They are fully and beautifully formed, stand on their own without rough edges. I also have a red abalone shell with about four Mabe pearls inside, one is very nice. Please respond if you have any questions or information. Thanks so much!
California Abalone Pearls

California Abalone Pearls

Pearl photos to follow. Hope viewers can offer comments and replies!
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I'm still here, and it sounds like you have some fantastic pearls AND jewelry. We'd love to see photos of both and this would be as good a thread as any. Don't forget the smaller ones, especially if they're round!

Pricing is whatever the market will bear according to the quality of each piece and whether sold by the piece or in lots.
Please get some photos if you can. Abalone pearls are of great interest to people hanging out around here. I have often regretted not getting abalone pearls in the 60's, early 70's when I was nearby. I am blown you are the person I wanted to be!

Please share all you can with us. Now only will photos be a long-lasting record of some rare pearls, you will be sharing with a bunch of abalone freaks!
California Abalone Pearls

California Abalone Pearls

Hi there,
I am glad to get your responses! I took the pearls out today and looked at them... there are three horns. One is exceptionally large, 2 1/4 inches long. There are several baroque shapes. One extraordinary pearl is shaped like a butterfly, ("wings" on both sides.) One large, rounded tear drop. The rest are just plain interesting..some have flat bottoms and curly tips. Some blister type pearls with flat bottoms are set as earring studs. One 3/4 dome (or more) pearl is still connected to a triangular base. There are many beautiful round pearls. I wonder if the round pearls (drilled them all, unfortunately) are abalone pearls, because round abalone pearls are rare. A couple are very large, about 12mm something like that. Yes, it's amazing that I formed a friendship with the diver. He was a wonderful person, sold the local catch on Sterns Wharf in SB. In those days I guess abalone pearls were considered an interesting by-product, not much more. The good thing is that I did keep most of these pearls simply because they were so darn gorgeous, and I just couldn't part with them. The pearl jewelry I made back in the day was very simple.. post earrings, beaded necklaces and bracelets and very simple pendants. Thanks so much for your replies. So great to know you are out there. I will go ahead and measure the pearls for you.. (in inches) and try to have them photographed as soon as possible. Meantime thanks for your interest and patience. Patricia
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Oh, I forgot.. there is one huge pearl.. horn shaped.. it came apart years ago.. the top is disconnected.. gorgeous, round top.. The horn is pure nacre, has nothing inside... I put cotton in it, and wrapped it up. Can't remember it it was ever in one piece, but did save it.
My messages will appear on the Natural Abalone Pearl thread from now on...thanks..
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I'll reiterate the interest in seeing some photos with all the measurements, etc. you can share. From my current perspective, it is hard to imagine ever not being interested in abalone. Can't wait to see what you have.
Pearls are going to be photographed next week... suffice to say I have about two dozen round pearls, and many small and large baroques. Three horn shaped pearls, the largest horn is about 2 1/4 inches long. These pearls shine with a brilliant rainbow hue, (coloring is much more subdued and subtle than NZ abalone pearls)
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The pearls appear blemish free. Nacre appears to be thick and layered.
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The only areas on my pearls that are compromised are possibly areas of connection. Where the pearls were once connected to the shell.
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Ca abalone pearls: photos

Ca abalone pearls: photos

Will begin posting photos today.. Apparently some are good. Photoghapher had equipment proplems. He's sending some email attachments and I'll upload them here asap. Thanks for your patience. Seeing is believing and it's impossible to explain the pearls verbally I know. I'll list measurements when I post. Patricia
Patriciadear's abalone pearls

Patriciadear's abalone pearls

This is the largest, 2 1/4 inch tusk pearl. Bad photo, taken with a flash. White areas are due to light refraction.


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    bottom tusk pearl .jpg
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Tusk pearl photo

Tusk pearl photo

Please see below for a better photo of the 2 1/4 inch abalone tusk pearl. The color is a actually a rainbow ranging from silvery blues to pinks, colors that change and shimmer when the pearl is turned. The surface of the pearl is smooth, glowing, and metallic. The other side of the pearl has an indented area where it was probably once attached. It would be difficult if not impossible to set the pearl to show one side because it's gorgeous from all angles, should be seen from every angle.
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abalone tusk pearl top (darker photo)

abalone tusk pearl top (darker photo)

2 1/4 inch Santa Barbara Abalone Tusk Pearl, (darker photo)


  • dark 21:4 horn.jpg
    dark 21:4 horn.jpg
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SANTA BARBARA AB PEARLS: 1/4 inch abalone tusk pearl, side view

SANTA BARBARA AB PEARLS: 1/4 inch abalone tusk pearl, side view

Side view of tusk pearl. Please understand light refraction does not show the metallic, smooth surface of these pearls to their best advantage. Pearls are brilliant rainbow colors, blue with hints of pinks.


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    horn from side.jpg
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Tusk pearl dimensions are 3/4" thick (at thickest point), 2 1/4" long, 1" wide (at widest point.) Pearl has a large hole (about 2mm) at top, drilled in anticipation of setting a bale of some kind. This pearl is a collector's item, should be set so it can be seen from all angles. It's virtually unblemished, and is free standing, no areas of attachment. I did not want to alter the integrity of the pearl but it's dark areas can probably be buffed out because the nacre is layered and thick. All of my pearls are metallic, not the dark NZ blues but I have an 8" Red Abalone shell with about four small attached Mabe or Blister type pearls, ranging from the metallic rainbow hue of the above tusk pearl to a deep blue. I'll post photos of the larger pearls one by one as soon as possible. And will post photos of the small pearls in groups. Feedback is much appreciated.
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A tilted view of 2 1/4" Abalone Tusk Pearl. Dime is in lower left corner was for size comparison but size is a bit distorted because dime is in the foreground. Please try to overlook brown areas on pearl. Don't understand why the pearl photographs with a brown hue in certain areas and the teal and pink hues are desaturated. Lighting problems, I guess.


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    horn side tilt.jpg
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