My white metallic freshwater strand, 8-8.5mm

Pearl Dreams,

The comparison photos are excellent, exactly what we like to see! Gorgeous pearls, of course! You have captured the glow of the metallics perfectly!
(I'm the proud owner of one of the smaller strands from the Ruckus, but haven't strung it up yet or attempted to photograph.)
Jeremy-- Are you going to try to get some more pearls for earrings?

If the line becomes possible the idea is to have the same sort of selection available in the other freshwater lines, so that would (hopefully) include pieces such as earrings and bracelets.

I agree with Patty about your photo. They are incredibly difficult to photograph, and we pretty much decided that white on white (no background) was impossible. The undertone just made them look dark.
Thanks to both of you!

It's sunny today and I got these shots-- the first is outdoors with my back to the sun, the second facing the sun, and one more close up:

I hope people will see that the slight off-roundness is no obstacle to beauty.


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When I was in college, a psychology student did a series of experiments. She created a slightly off round arc and had testees finish the shape or something close to that. Almost everyone saw the shape as rounder than it was. It is only when we school ourselves to notice off-roundness, does it become apparent.
It's the fish-eye metallic effect,makes it look as if there is a pale grey sort of melted blob on top of the pearl from some angles
Thank you PearlDreams. Your pictures are very helpful, not just this post but your other posts as well. I don't mind off-round shape either. One of my pink metallic from 2010 was slightly off-round, but the luster and overtone are amazing. Same as the drop shape metallic from 2011. FW pearls have come a long way.
Round pearls are lovely, but like others, I think off rounds look more natural and I love the look. What bothers me a little is when they're egg shaped and not drilled lengthwise. Those shapes read "drops" to me, though I guess technically they may be off rounds too. Pearl Dreams, your strand is so beautiful and such a nice size! To me, they are the perfect off rounds.
Very nice, Naan! (You can see the large version of Naan's photo by double clicking on it.)
Here are photos of my new white metallic Freshadama earrings, 7.5-8mm, outdoors on cloudy day and under daylight spectrum lamp.
Edit: For completeness I'm adding the photo of the metallic white pearl that DwightSchrute sent me, which I subsequently mounted on a ring. The ring pearl is Freshadama grade also but a bit more silvery/less green in undertone than the earrings.


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They are pretty amazing, Pattye! And what a good deal! Anyone can afford these earrings. They are in the metallic freshwater pearls section on PP.
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Oh my word, they are absolutely beautiful and your pictures are incredible. Thanks for sharing!
Wow, luster is unbelievable !! On the first pic, the pearls look too perfect to be real, almost like glass pearl beads. If you didn't provide the second pic, it would be hard for me to believe they're actually real pearls!

Congratulation on a great purchase :)