Cinnamon rolls and vanilla rolls all done, not-husband is pleased. He loves cinnamon rolls, mine at least but then my grandmother taught me to make them when I was 10 years old. Anyway I did compare my rainbow strand with some of my other favorite strands. First my tassel made from a vintage akoya strand.

Then my wavestrands made with deep golden south sea pearls from Cees and a double vintage akoya necklace.

My white south sea strand from Cees.

Look at those overtones.

My silver tahitian strand from Cees.

My rikitea strand from Cees.

My blue tahitian strand from Pearlescence.

This one is for you Cricketbug, some of the blues in my rainbow strand are edisons. And they look a lot like my tahitians.

My ombre tahitian rope from Cees.

My sampler strand, it's a bit like my rainbow strand but in a different way and not as pretty.

Don't get me wrong, the sampler strand is still pretty but the rainbow strand is special.

With my trusty tahitian enhancer from Pearlsociety.

It's reversible, the rainbow strand.

With my blue baroque south sea pendant.

I have taken photos with some of my earrings as well...