My Projects for Today...


May 12, 2012
Finally got around to my Chinese Kasumi/Labradorite necklace:

I love the color combination of the lavender/pink kasumis and the sparkly gray's hard to capture the color of the pearls in the pics.

I also fell in love with a large-hole baroque south sea pearl I saw on etsy, and have been wanting some causal pearls-on-leather, so I threw this together, I think it will be a summer staple! to do something less fun but more household productive, like mopping the floors and grocery shopping...I've been so focused on pearls and beading I just realized I'm plumb out of diapers for the baby!
Stunning!!! (recommend cloth diapers, that way you do not have to leave the house, just pop em in the washing machine and continue beading) :)
Love it. I have an obsession with the labradorite/pearl combination myself.
Love it! . I just used the same thing to make a necklace for my SS pendant that has been sitting on a shelf for two years as I thought I was going to get a gold chain for it. I'm thrilled with the result and that I can finally wear my pearl again. Your necklace is gorgeous, those pearls look stunning with the stone. Well done!
Love it! . I just used the same thing to make a necklace for my SS pendant that has been sitting on a shelf for two years as I thought I was going to get a gold chain for it. I'm thrilled with the result and that I can finally wear my pearl again. Your necklace is gorgeous, those pearls look stunning with the stone. Well done!

Thank you Everyone!!

Katbran, I don't suppose you'd share a pic of your new necklace, pretty please? I have a single golden south sea on it's way to me and I'm not yet sure what I am going to do with it...another necklace, bracelet, pendant...the possibilities are almost better than the finished product!!
Oh my! Your Kasumi/Labradorite necklace is just gorgeous! Great combination. Enjoy :D