New Project - Bronze Freshwater Pearls and Sunstone Beads


New Member
Jan 29, 2011
I just finished a new project, my first foray back into making jewelry in a while. (I've been mostly knitting......) These are 14-23mm bronze freshwater baroque pearls, dyed I'm sure. They are interspersed with 3.5mm gold filled beads and sunstone beads. I strung this on flex wire, since it's a tad heavy. Gold filled clasp. I've had an Etsy shop since 2006, never put one thing up for sale (but I've bought plenty!) I'm planning to put this one up soon.....

Bronze necklace 1.JPGBronze necklace 2.JPG

The hand shot captures the actual colors better.

If anyone could tell me how to rotate those photos on the forum I'd be forever grateful! :D
That's lovely! I love those colors together. Nice job!
Very pretty colors! The only way I know to rotate photos, and the way I do it is to copy the photo into Photoshop, rotate it there and resave the image, then repost back here. Just the way I do it ... there may be better ways :)
Very pretty colors! The only way I know to rotate photos, and the way I do it is to copy the photo into Photoshop, rotate it there and resave the image, then repost back here. Just the way I do it ... there may be better ways :)

Thanks Cathy!! The funny thing is, they were rotated the right way on my computer before I posted them.....
That's what everyone seems to say, LBoone, so you're not alone. I'm not the most frequent poster; I'm allergic to selfies LOL, so I've never had one of my photos rotate on it's own, and I've posted lots of larger file sizes, so it remains a mystery. I suspect there might be easier ways to fix the problem than mine, but I tried it and it worked, and Photoshop is usually open and ready on my laptop, so quick and easy for me. Strange ...ususally when I do drop "wrong orientation photos" into PS, they open and appear in PS as they did on PG, and I rotate then resave. Yours opened right side up, so all I did was resave with a new name ... more mysteries LOL. Hope these are right; if not, let me know.

NecklaceRSU.jpgNecklace and HandRSU.jpg
The beads are 11mm (6mm thick) but there was a LOT of variation in this strand. They're not top grade. I got them a while ago at a bead show and had strung them into a bracelet for myself, but I never wore it. I had strung them and knotted between with really large silk. I thought it would look more like a pearl bracelet, but it didn't. I've been looking for a way to use them ever since. I got these huge freshwater pearls on my last trip to America's Mart in Atlanta. I was at a loss for what to do with them, until I saw them next to the sunstone beads. The original design also had some tiny garnet beads, but the test strand didn't look right with them so I left them out of the final product.

There was one more pearl on the strand but I left it out it was so misshapen. For now it lives on my bead board. I think I might make some type of pendant out of it or use it strung as a center pearl with some smaller pink pearls I have. Here it is with a bead needle (of the type you can't use to knot pearls!) through it to show the orientation of the drill hole:

single bronze pearl.JPG
Your necklace has wonderful fall colors! Interesting pearl. A pendant sounds like a good idea.
Hmmm, just a suggestion here...I would widen the drilling a bit and run it directly on a chain (like a box or snake link) or on a leather cord. It's really cool looking...kind of like a little brown goldfish.

I agree...I think it will hang better. Try it on a piece of stringing wire and see what you think.
Hmmm, just a suggestion here...I would widen the drilling a bit and run it directly on a chain (like a box or snake link) or on a leather cord. It's really cool looking...kind of like a little brown goldfish.

I've been wanting to try some leather, so maybe this is an omen!! ;-)