My pearls

I bought another ripplestrand from Kongspearl a while ago, postage takes forever, and it arrived today. The pearls are smaller than my previous one that I find to big. They are more metallic and prettier to. I knotted it with Beaders secret in fog, since some of the pearls have a beautiful beige pink color to them.
With my other ripplestrand.
Thank you Bweaves, I think that I like the new one better than the older one. The new one is 11- 15 mm and the old one 13-15, somehow or maybe it's the dropform, the newer one seams smaller and not so overhwhelmingly huge.
Kitten is naughty as usual. She helpt not-husband paint the floor...he had painted the ceiling in a room, cleaned the roller thingy and left it to dry. Sweet adorable kitten found the roller thingy, not a small one either, carried it downstairs without dropping it. Then she dragged it through 4 rooms, leaving leftover paint on it. Then dumpt the roller thingy on the carpet in the livingroom. The next day he hid it but she found it again and repeated everything except for only painting 2 rooms. She is so inventive, too smart.
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Oh dear, adorable story but - I hope the clean up wasn’t too bad?
Thank you lisa c and Pattye. The last 10 years or so almost all paint are waterbased, in sweden anyway. It wasn't to difficult to clean up.
Thank goodness! I had some latex paint in wool carpet that hardened and there was nothing that cleaned it up. I wire-brushed it and even then I ended up having to use scissors.
Went to the summer cabin today. I brought my new ripplestrand because the light is so good there. The ripplestrand is from Kongspearl.
With my pink freshwater earrings. I bought the freshwater drops from Pearllunar.
I also brought my new light golden south sea strand.
The champagne studs are from TahitiPearldesigner.
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Thank you Pattye, the lighting in the summer cabin is amazing, in one room at least. It was a porch, now it's sort of an outdoor room with a see-through roof. It's like a giant lightbox.
First weekend in the summer cabin this year. Wore my Rikitea strand from Cees and my turquoise green and pink tahitian studs from Pearlescence all weekend long. We had to bring water in a bucket from the well to get the waterpump started, heat up a house that hadn't been heated since fall. Then generally clean up after winter, indoors and out.
I really love those pieces. The Rikiteas goes with everything and the studs are such a good size, I don't remember the size, 9-10 mm maybe, perfect for weeding flowerbeds...
With my ripplestrand.
Planted some pansies to.
Kitten was no help...
Since I now have a ripplestrand that I really like, I have experimenting with my other ripplestrand, the gigantic 13-15 mm one that I bought from Kongspearl last year. I have transformer them on numerous occasions... This time I combined them with tiny 2-4mm rose lavender freshwater pearls from Pearllunar and an offround maybe 6mm copper freshwaters, also from Pearllunar. I finally used a random placement for the pearls after first trying out a number of other ways even including some pale pink freshwaters and tiny offwhite ones. They didn't work, the offwhite ones were to white and the pale pink ones not lustrous enough (not my favorite purchase those, I probably haven't even showed them to you). Anyway the pearls :
They are rather long. I knotted them without a clasp and can still double them over my head, so rather long... Don't want to get the measuring tape...
Very lovely, all of them!
And I see Kitten is enjoying a Spring break!
Kitten is enjoying her self Happy Huka, as she usually does... Since being a cat...
I think that my ripples and more strand might look good with my offwhite akoya and green south sea strand.
Sort off pastell, don't you think?
My daffodils started blooming, not all off them, just a few.
The necklace is beautiful. I love the green tones in the ripple pearls and I think they look lovely paired with the rose FWs.