My pearls

Thank you Katbran, the blue strand from Wendy is really special. And the color on it goes with everything.... Especially jeans, I always wears jeans (even on christmas). Last summer was uncommonly hot in sweden for 3 months, about 30 C, didn't wear jeans for 3 months. It was awful, I had to use my other clothes.... I'm still recuperating...I hope this summer will be somewhat cooler (everybody else in sweden would hate me for this), a nice 20C (Google says its 68F and 86 F for 30 C) would be lovely. Anyway the blues in the strand shifts from cool navy to turquoise depending on the lightsource.
lisa c, I found your kitten tread recently. The kittens were so cute, I bet they are all big now. I loved reading the story. My kitten, who is almost a year now, is so funny and always makes me laugh. She has a new game in wich I have to throw her cattoy thats looks like Darth Wader and she catches it. Then I have to retrieve it and we start all over again. Once I had a cat that would fetch like a dog, but not my kitten. She do have a catnip bar though. Not-husband bought her a sizeable bag of catnip, cleaverly hid it in the spicerack...or so he thought. The next day when we returned from work she had stolen the bag, without disturbing the spices, opened it and spread the catnip everywhere. Even got some on the kitchen table. She doesn't goes outside, but we do have to take her to the vet soon to get her fixed, just have to arrange with some days off so she doesn't hurt herself if she gets, whats it called the plastic thingy around the neck so they don't lick the stitches. Did you ever got another cat?
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I did wear the blue tahitian strand all week, no good neckshots though, alternating between my 12.1mm blue tahitian studs and my 13.1mm blue green studs. The studs and the strand from Wendy at Pearlescence.
With my white south sea strand from Cees.
With my Rikitea strand from Cees.
I am wearing the Rikitea strand today with my 8.4mm mismatched studs from Oceanscove. Big studs for the last week, also did twirl the studs around a lot for during a meeting yesterday..., my earpiercings were so sore yesterday. It did hurt putting the smaller stud in but now it's ok. Don't want to remove them for new photos though.
Really beautiful studs. The Rikiteas with the blue studs, the blue green one and a pair of light green and pink ones. Love these green and pink ones to but to big for today. I bought them from Wendy last summer.
Totally tahitian drop rope.
But I sometimes use it together with the Rikiteas. My roses and daffodils are coming along nicely, some frost at night and not to warm during the day either, but sunny.
It's still a bit dark in my built in lightbox room, but I manage to get som better photos of the mismatched 8,4mm tahitian studs from Oceanscove that I wore yesterday.
With my Rikiteas.
With my blue tahitian strand from Pearlescence.
The studs also looks great together with my white south sea strand from Cees, but I forgot to take photos of then together.
Thank you BWeaves. I took some more photos with the mismatched studs from Oceanscove and my white south sea strand from Cees.
Some more with the Rikiteas because the colors are so vivid.
The Rikiteas are my go to strand whenever I'm in a hurry. It goes with everything. Mostly I pair it with the mismatched studs and the green and pink tahitians from Wendy but they go well with all my studs really.
Goash, I love your Rikitea strand, and how perfect the clasp is! I always love looking at this strand. :cool:
I remade my tahitian drop rope. It's less ropey now. About 20-22 inches I think. I just kept all of my favorite of the droppearls, the most colorful that is. I retreaded it with Beaders secret in forest, then I had to order more tread. I looked over mumy treadstash and realised I was low on ivory, forest, navy and fog. Bought some storm to. The pearls are even more colorful in real life.
Kitten on the table sunbathing.
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What lovely colours, Charlotta! And that kitten picture (and spring flowers, previously) is sweet! ;)
Your Rikiteas are, of course, beyond stunning, but those little drops just have so much personality.
Thank you 86Corvettegirl, Cricketbug, Gemandpearllover, SydK and JerseyPearl. I agree about the kitten, it's the best part. So funny and charming and naughty, fiercly independent and stubborn yet terrified of the vaccum cleaner all at once.
Isn't EVERYONE secretly afraid of the vacuum cleaner LOL? KITTEN is my favorite part, but your pearls are really lovely!
Pattye: Unless you're 12, and a grandson, and you view the new vacuum cleaner as a form of robotics LOL ... I expect that viewpoint to wear off soon, meanwhile we're taking shameless advantage of this obsession ;)
Thank you CathyKeshi and Pattye. Once I had a cat who was'nt afraid of the vaccum cleaner, she had very long fluffy fur and loved to get vaccumed (not on full effect and with the tube-thinghy). She did grew up at the home of a catbreader who vaccumed several times a day, so maybe thats why. All my other cats have been terrified though, not-husband not so much....