Inspired by Gemandpearlovers tahitian lovely strands from Wen Pearls, I bought a strand from Wen as well. But I didn't choose from her best loose pearls, I bought a rather inexpensive near round strand. Well I have been spoiled by the lovely tahitian pearls I got from Cees and Pearlescence. But it was surtainly worth the money. The luster is pretty good, the pearls are very bumpy. I did choose a very dark strand, so I shouldn't really blame the poor pearls for being dark, but these pearls sure are dark. It is rather nice and I am sure that I can make something out of it. First Wens photo.

Then my photos.

I did tell you that it's dark, didn't I.

Will have to use forest on this one. With my forest green tahitian studs from Pearlescence and my green banded tahitian enhancer and the strand I might cut apart.

I have thoughts on using this bluish green akoyastrand from Pearlescence.

But I did turn that one into a rope the other day...

As a conclusion, the pearls have great luster and the price was very good. They are very dark, but most of them has nice overtones. I wouldn't buy another one like this, but Gemandpearlovers strands are really nice, so her single pearls are probably much better. I think that I should stick with Cees and Pearlescence next I need/want more tahitians or other pearls as well. Enough ramblings on my behalf, have to rearrange pearls...