My pearls

Charlotta, your wire wrapping is SO neat and tidy, and even! I have some earrings done by a "professional" and the wee circles are slightly off center/crooked. They always bug me, so perhaps one day (in the far distant future, LOL!) I will learn to do this.
Cricketbug, you can do it yourself. It's fun, unless you forget time and strain your eyes...,just practice a bit every day and soon it will look great.
I made another small bluish akoya tincup with the leftover akoyas from my project, but with a chain between the wirewrapped pearls.
Together with the other bluish tincup.
Today I have played around with the singel vintage akoya strand I recently cut apart and some greenish south sea pearls. Maybe I could make something with those.
So beautiful Charlotta! Looking forward to seeing pictures of the akoya with the greenish Soth Sea pearls. I need to learn how to restring and wire wrap so I can redo pearls.
Thank you Mtummybear and 86Corvettegirl. Mtummybear you can learn to string by following the steps in Pearldreams stringing tutorial. It is a great tutorial. Then you can do whatever you want, redo it if you don't like it. All to the cost of some tread, french wire and the occasional needle. I go through a lot of tread and silver wire... Wirewrapping was easier than I thought, after the first couple of pearls at least. I finished the akoya and south sea strand. I used Pattyes Beaders secret in fog since the akoyas are ivory in color and fog goes so well with the greenish south sea pearls.
The clasp is a vintage silver and marcasite one that came with the akoyas. I don't remember where I got those.
Ooh, that's so pretty! Love those greenish pearls, and the way you left the graduation at the front ... well done!
Thank you CathyKeshi, I decided to leave the graduation at front so that there would be a sort of wave effect. I think this strand will be great for layering. The south sea pearls makes it more interesting and adds some size to the strand. It was kind of tiny before and I didn't use it much.
The bluish akoyas I recently wirewrapped without chain between the wraps just wouldn't stay nice. It twisted with just the wirewrapped pearls. It is very pretty but rewirewrapped it anyway ...this is the before.
I added a chain between the wrapped pearls and used a 0.6mm wire instead. The previous were a bit delicate. I got a little bit longer though.
It is now about 46inches with an 2inch extender.
With the shorter tincup. _20190313_120642.jpg
With the triple strand of akoyas with the aquamarine clasp.
All of these with just 4 strands. It's the ones I bought from Wendy at Pearlescence.
Just the smaller tincup.
And the triple strand.
The new tincup with the vintage akoyastrand with the greenish south sea pearls I made yesterday and the lavender rose freshwater pearls from Pearllunar.
It's almost like a rainbow.
Now it is a rainbow.
Wow! I'm away from the P-G site for a couple days and arrive back to see all the glory of new creations! I'm loving the blue variations. The green pearl combo is also beautiful.

I like the "messy" selfie! I was wearing three strands of small pearls yesterday, and my hubby commented on the "many" pearls. Haha! Clearly, he hasn't visited these great "show me" threads on P-G. It may be time for him to be properly pearl-educated. :rolleyes: