Thank you 86Corvettegirl, I agree they were pretty before but I just had to try with the golden pearls. I like them better now.
2thdktr, I have seen some mixed strands to that looks jarring, but this one doesn't. Maybe it's because there is less contrast between the pearls. The tahitians aren't that dark and the goldens not a very deep gold. There are also some tahitians in the strand that have a warmer hue, for exampel that copper pearl. Originally I had decided to mix the strand with white south seas, but the goldens were next to them, so I put them next to the tahitian strand and then I just had to string it. I didn't even need to redo it. Some of my poor pearls have been restrung so many times that I don't remember how they were when I bought them or from whom I bought them. This was before I started taking pictures of them though.