My Paradise Order!


New Member
Feb 3, 2008
I just got this from Pearl Paradise and I love it! I was trying to expand my pendant collection and this was too tempting to pass up! (10-11mm Golden SS) I'll change out the cord for a proper chain as soon as I get a chance.



Another necklace I recently got:

You are building a beautiful top quality wardrobe of pearls! Great choices, beautifully modeled!
Beautiful pearls - especially that Golden. They look lovely on you!
Hi Callire,
Beautiful pearls, beautiful model.
Thanks for the photos.
And I like the golden pearl on the cord, too.
Those are both really lovely on you. What size of GSS pearl is your pendant?
Thanks everyone for the nice comments! Now I can't decide what to get from PP next! I'm debating between a strand of Freshadamas (white 6mm-7mm for everyday wear), or this.

Heidi, my GSS is 11-12mm... It's the perfect size, imo.
Those are beautiful and bith look great on you! Of course now I want a golden south sea pendant too :)
I haven't been posting here much because when I do I want more pearls....sigh. It's a dangerous place for me lol.
^ I know!! Le sigh. It's too pretty! I think I'll wait and think about it for a while. I'm a (v. v. broke) student, so I don't have a huge budget to work with, otherwise I'd be all over it!! The problem is that it's feasible, but more than I'd like to spend. Plus, I'm more prone to spend my extra $$ on another new glaze (ceramics) rather than putting it towards pearls. I've already accepted the fact that I will NEVER be able to own bracelets or rings because I always forget to take them off before throwing something.

BUT! I was so excited. I was rummaging through my sister's jewelry collection (she only shops at thrift stores/vintage shops) for a spare chain to borrow to tide me over and I found this beauty!! It's stamped 14k and it has a little extender to make it 18" I'm going to beg her for it, I really think it makes the GSS look amazing!



Me and my pendant

(Last batch of new photos-- I promise!! I get a little carried away when I'm excited)



Modeling... hehe... I'll put up a "Will work for Pearls or Points" in my signature. (kidding) lol! You all are too kind!
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I do like the pendant you linked to. Great price too, but I'd recommend getting freshadamas because you already have a knockout pendant. I am sure that freshadamas are an investment as well as some of the most beautiful pearls ever, yet tough enough to wear everyday.
Wow! The corded pendant looks spectacular on! Why not a red cord to match the dress? Hehe. Tell me about the white strand. I have the smaller freshadamas, 6-7MM. I don't wear them every day. I should, though. They are one of my special occasion strands. Maybe I should reknot them for daily wear. They sure do glow.
Yes, I would happily go back to being a v.v. broke student to have skin like that!
Yes, I would happily go back to being a v.v. broke student to have skin like that!

The key would be going back in time, but knowing what you know now! Knowing what you DON'T want is a precious lesson. ;)
Yes, well, my friends don't seem to agree. I'm always referred to as "the pale one." Eh, whatever. I feel like a glamorous oil painting come to life whenever I wear my pearls!

I can't decide on a strand of 6-7mm white freshadamas 16".... I need a nice "goes with everything" necklace. I think it'd be perfect for everyday, but I can't stop staring at the 26" 7-8mm strand from PP. (It's a lot cheaper, which is another bonus.) Maybe I should trust my instincts and go for the 26" ?? Ah. I'm crazy.