My First Kamoka - The One that Started It All for Me
My First Kamoka - The One that Started It All for Me
Thank you GemGeek and Adeline Leigh.
GemGeek, I thought that I would show you the one that began my love of Kamokas. I purchased this silver blue beauty from Agustus on eBay. After playing with it for a while, I combined it with a reddish purple Kasumi from Sarah at Kojima and a cream colored Maluku South Sea pearl also from Agustus. I wired it up myself on headpins.
One day I wore my creation into my favorite jewelry store and the clerk, who knows me pretty well, exclaimed on the pearls and then said, "Red, I'm pretty good at wire work myself; if you like, I will redo the wiring for you." I laughed and said, that bad, huh?

So, I let her rewire the loops for me, and I'll keep working on my technique in private.
Photos show the vendor photo and description, along with my own photos of my 3-pearl pendant. I think of it as a pearly red, white, and blue pendant.
This simple pearl arrangement is based on a 4 pearl pendant that Sarah used to have listed at Kojima. This pendant has gotten more comments than any other pendant that I have owned. It is simple and striking, but what makes the difference is the quality of the pearls and their luster. Most people are not pearl experts, but they can still tell the difference.