My Gambiers/Mangareva is an obsession.

Apr 17, 2015
These little pearls are my obsession, the colors from this area are amazing. They are by far my favorite, I also like that though they can be smaller, they still serve a big punch of color.

I going to post a few pictures of my pearls along with projects I have in mind for them. (Forgive the crappy pictures, my Phone Cam is ancient..too ancient to do justice to the pearls):

18t White Gold Indian Star Ruby and Gambier (Tahitian) Cultured Pearl Pendant

The colors on this pearl are very strong green and burgundy overtones. The Burgundy colors matches the color of the Ruby perfectly.

tumblr_o5ev013Xg41ts7z89o1_1280.jpg tumblr_o5ev0hY7oJ1ts7z89o1_1280.jpg
Star ruby and pearl? Be still my heart. I love the pairing.
I figured I would post a thread while I had a few free minutes to encourage me to share and keep a log of my projects :-) Just wish I had access to a better camera! I am glad you all liked it. For some reason I am really drawn to the "oval" shaped circled Tahitian pearls.

Pattye I did not even notice that the shape were so closely matched I think I got caught up in the color. But now that you mention shape, that might be the reason I was drawn to it, I have other pearls that have more of the burgundy tone but not ovalish in shape. Perhaps I will post them here just for fun (they are Gambiers too just no immediate project plans)
The phenomenon gemstones are a big interest of mine. I love Star anything LoL. I love my Lavender Star Sapphire...but I never wear it because it is in yellow gold (which I am not a huge fan of). If I were to be truthful (and Sheri I know you know this already) I am a Total gemhead, a few weeks back I saw a Black star sapphire with the rare "golden star"...but I passed on it because it was set in yellow gold, but I have thought of it nearly every day since :)

I'm embarrassed by the amount of loose gems I have...ok hoard.

Yummy! I'm always a sucker for star rubies. Add a peacock Tahitian - devine!!!
For similar looking pearls with the same overtones, what do you guys think of Madagascan Ruby Beads (they can be more on the burgundy too) in a station type necklace.
Oh yes Rhodolite, probably one of my favorite members of the Garnet family tree. The do look really good with black pearls, especially if one is lucky enough to have pinkish/green overtones in their pearls.
Ok so I am not alone in this Gem Hoarding...that might explain why I spend more of my free time browsing here, like minds and all that LoL!


Yeah, I might have a little hoard as well.
3 tone.jpg

It isn't a perfect pearl, but the colors are amazing. What you see here is really very close to what I see IRL. I really dig the colors! It was a bit hard to capture the 3 colors that I did, but hey it worked out.
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