My first Tahitian and White and Gold South Sea Rope


New Member
Jan 21, 2016
Hi all,
I've been reading, enjoying and loving the beautiful pearls all of you have shared so generously. I only started discovering pearls last Oct and have I fallen hard. My hubby teases me and says I'm Pearling away while I read and browse and drool over all your wonderful pictures.
I made a couple of purchases since thanks to all the recommendations of trusted vendors.

Today I'll like to share my very first rope from Catherine Cardellini.
It is a beauty and just glows.
It's 41 inches and so versatile. My neck aches a little but I'll toughen up!
Also Catherine is such a great seller. I loved dealing with her. She is patient and answers what must be my endless requests.
Picture time. Never posted before. Hope it goes well PhotoGrid_1460793597057.jpgPhotoGrid_1460790232154.jpgPhotoGrid_1460793597057.jpgPhotoGrid_1460790232154.jpg
Oh I've attached too many times. How do I remove. Yikes didn't mean to bomb u all with photos
I love the combination of black, white, and gold and i love how you've shown how versatile this rope is going to be.

I'm with ya. Once I learned all of the different types and colours, that was it for me.
What a stunning and luxurious rope of pearls, kalmen!! Thank you for sharing them!

And don't worry about the repetitive pics-- really can't get enough of them :)
I love it- so versatile. Catherine has beautiful pearls and one can spend hours looking at her photos. Congratulations on such a wonderful necklace.
Stunning! Great photos, too.
Don't worry about too many. There's a way to delete photos but you may end up deleting the ones you want to keep.
What a wonderful and versatile rope. It's gorgeous. Don't worry about too many photos. We love photos, even if they are duplicates.

P.S. You have a great neck!
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Welcome to PG! Fabulous rope! Beautiful and so much character, what a terrific start with pearls.
Wonderful necklace! I am really glad you posted lots of pictures :) the more the better! Your necklace looks like it will be fun to wear. Enjoy
Bailey me too. ... while white is classic but the rest of the pearl world is so so so amazing. I never knew all those colours and shapes existed.
Thank you all for the warm welcome. I don't have any pearl loving people around me so it's so nice to share with people with like minds. My hubby think they are all fake. (Sigh).
Thanks for the compliments on my neck. I was stretching it like mad :)
And let me say now. .. I'm officially a pearl addict
What a gorgeous rope! I love the 3 colors combined and all the different ways you can wear it!
Gorgeous rope, I love the length and the beautiful mix of colours. You wear it so well!
What a great start to your pearl collection, suits you so well.
Thank you for sharing!