More of my Favourites

Hi Nerida,
I presume the "Mexican" pearls you mention must be Sea of Cortez Pearls ?
But I'm no expert, and hope someone more knowledgeable will come along and correct me if I'm wrong.
Hi All,

Regarding the Sea of Cortez pearls, they have a very small harvest at this time, the farm having been re-established in about mid 90's by our friend Doug(who posts here on the forum) and some other marine biologists. There are only 2 distributors of the very limited supply in U.S. plus their own sales outlet in Mexico. You can read the fascinating story at A wonderful website!

so many pearls, so little time
Thanks, Pattye,
Sorry, yes, I should have mentioned the Perlas web-site.
I'm getting old and daft..... :)
Yes, Sueki - you have lovely, lovely pearls and a talent for showing them off in elegant ways. Thank you so much for sharing!
I wore these at the weekend and again today and thought I'd better take some pics. for you.
I didn't string this one; bought the necklace from Care Ehret.


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Hi Sueki,

That's a beauty! You must feel sooooo elegant wearing it! You caught some gorgeous colors in your photo, too!

so many pearls, so little time
I think that necklace is princess-worthy. I'll bet you feel like one when you wear it. ;)
The necklace is gorgeous. The high karat gold beads and finding bring out the rich colors of the pearls.
Sueki - the new piece is gorgeous. Have you managed to "put it away" yet, or is it still being worn 24/7? Or better still, sitting on your desk where you can see it all the time? You have exquisite taste!
Thank you to all for your comments. Believe it or not, the pearls are even more colouful than in the pics.
Once again, I can't take the credit though.
The necklace is one of Druzy Design's.

Blaire - Princess ? Nah.... Queen. Well, I'm Queen in this house....;)
Pattye - Yes, isn't it great how pearls make even the least elegant feel like a million dollars.
Nerida - It was put away and then I took it out to wear at the weekend and it's been on my desk ever since.
I just finished this today.
Two long rows, about 40 inches each, wearable length approx. 27 - 28 inches, with tassels of 5 and 6 inches with bead-nuked drops and lavender-purple crystal bead accents.
No clasp, as it fits easily over the head. The pearls are mixed natural colour pink, and 6mm. - 7mm.
It looks fabulous on, (in my opinion :)) and I love it.


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Love the color on those, just lovely! Now I want to make one------------