Mermaid Rope


New Member
Dec 28, 2016
Hi everyone :)

Been MIA for awhile... life gets in the way :)

I've spent the last few weeks working on this strand (with a vacation in between) and wanted to share here. It's not my original design; it's inspired from a design I saw on Etsy, but cost over $700 Canadian. I could get a pretty amazing freshwater or akoya strand for that price, so I decided to make it myself.

It took a bit of time to get the right stones (especially ordering from online suppliers), then to plan out the layout, and knot on Beader's Secret. Some of the stones were from the local gemstone I attended in March. This necklace is 72" long and can be worn doubled, tripled and quadrupled. The first session of knotting was seriously frustrating, since I probably had over 8 arms' length of thread to work with and it kept getting looped around itself. Once I got about halfway it was much easier and I was working very fast. I've definitely gotten lots of knotting practice with this strand since I estimate there are over 400 beads in this necklace.

I wanted to call it the "Mermaid Rope" because the colour scheme of silvery blue and seafoam green reminds me of the sea. The iridescence and orient of the pearls, along with the blue flash of the moonstone and the milky blue flash of the crystals remind me of mermaids.

All beads used: 9-10mm baroque silver-blue Akoya, 5mm blue flash moonstone rondelles, 2-3mm topaz coloured crystals, 3-4mm opal-champagne coloured crystals, tiny 2mm silver beads, faceted aqua glass chicklets and faceted oval seafoam green stones - I don't remember what kind these were since they weren't labeled on the price tag but placed in a section with other similar gems.

I got a bit overzealous tightening the last few knots and one of the threads snapped... imagine my :eek: fearing I might have to redo the whole thing or at least improvise to make the broken end work. Luckily the knot did not come undone and beading glue sealed the deal.




My next project is trying to restring my mother in law's pearls from my husband's is a TRIPLE GRADUATED STRAND with tiny 2-7mm pearls but the kicker? She handed me the pearls in a bag. Yep, the necklace was broken at some point and I get to sort them out. And the clasp? Completely in pieces and not reusable. The pearls are clearly faux pearls of very low quality. They look dirty and I don't know how best to clean them. They have sentimental value, but I think this will take a lot of effort to restring. Luckily she said I can do "whatever I want" to reconstruct the piece, so maybe I'll build it into a mixed-sized pearl strand. I'm not sure if I should even try to knot in between if I'm making one continuous strand. Any ideas?
Hi Karman! Very pretty necklace and very long! Regarding your MILs graduated strand, I think I would temporarily string them on nylon and give them a good wash. Be sure to slide the pearls along the thread to clean at the drill points and inside the pearls, then give them a good rinse in clear water. Once dry, you may want to knot only between the pearls larger than ~4mm and just string the others if you plan to distribute the pearls in a pattern similiar to your Mermain Rope.
Hi everyone :)
My next project is trying to restring my mother in law's pearls from my husband's is a TRIPLE GRADUATED STRAND with tiny 2-7mm pearls but the kicker? She handed me the pearls in a bag. Yep, the necklace was broken at some point and I get to sort them out. And the clasp? Completely in pieces and not reusable. The pearls are clearly faux pearls of very low quality. They look dirty and I don't know how best to clean them. They have sentimental value, but I think this will take a lot of effort to restring. Luckily she said I can do "whatever I want" to reconstruct the piece, so maybe I'll build it into a mixed-sized pearl strand. I'm not sure if I should even try to knot in between if I'm making one continuous strand. Any ideas?

Ok, so I have an idea. What if you would go through all those pearls and pick out the best ones and then make a really great single strand with a little twist? Here's what I had in mind:

(The pictured necklace does not belong to me, it is an art deco piece that I saw on an auction site some time ago. I really liked the design and thought that I might try to recreate it at some point if I can find a clasp that has the right feel to it. These pearls are stated to be 3-8,8mm and the strand is 31 inches in total. )

Karman, I love your mermaid rope.

If the vintage pearls are faux and graduated, then do not knot between them. They were most likely finished with a bead cap at each end, which hid the knot, and then the bead cap was attached to the clasp.

However, I love Raggdoll's suggestion. It's very Coco Chanel.

Also, it's a great way to make large pearls less heavy in a long necklace.
Thank you ladies for your kind words about my Mermaid Rope :D

Kat - thanks! I had no idea, I think you might be right though after googling photos!

SunSeeker - thank you for the cleaning tip! The holes do look quite dirty, so deep cleaning is probably needed! What should I use to wash faux pearls? Dish detergent? Mild hand soap?

ragdoll - that is a great suggestion! I'm going to try playing around with the pearls and see if I can do that. There's one strand that's currently in tact so I don't want to take it apart until I have to for fear of messing up the order of pearls, but I have a ton of loose ones to play with... thanks!

BW - yes, it's very Coco Chanel indeed :) I have a couple of Chanel costume jewelry necklaces and they do have that alternating look to them which I really like!
Karman: Those Chanel costume necklaces of yours sounds interesting, I really wouldn't mind seeing some pictures of them.. ;)
Thank you Jersey! raggdoll - I'll take a photo of the one I have on hand when I get home!
I love your watery mermaid rope. The oval beads remind me a bit of sea glass.
I love the necklace. The pearls are beautiful. I have had the string snap at the finish.... bummer. When you restring your grandmother's, I would love to see them.
Karman: Those Chanel costume necklaces of yours sounds interesting, I really wouldn't mind seeing some pictures of them.. ;)

Here are a couple of pieces I have ragdoll! I have another necklace that is currently on consignment and have no photos on hand.

This is an opera length necklace, the pearls are pretty but the surface does get thin scratches and chips off. I've had this for over 6 years though and wore it quite often, so not too bad for a costume jewelry piece.


Here's a bracelet with varying sizes of pearls and pearls coated in gingham fabric. I don't wear bracelets very often so even though I've had this for 6 years the pearls are still in good shape. I love gingham and pink so this was a must have for me at the time.


I have more Chanel jewelry and a couple other of necklaces in the past, and as expected you are paying for the brand. For the cost of these two pieces, I could easily get a beautiful hanadama akoya strand....or a couple or 3 pairs of hanadama studs. It's ridiculous. But, I was young, stupid and favoured brand names, so I have these. I do love the opera necklace and haven't decided what I will do then the pearls' conditions get worse. I expect Chanel will charge me a ridiculous amount of money to "repair" or replace the faux pearls. Since it's simple wire wrapping, I might just end up redoing the whole thing myself with shell pearls or something.

One of my pairs of Chanel earrings do have genuine pearls...but they are freshwater and not perfectly round. They cost significantly more than other comparable pairs with faux pearls even though the freshwater pearls are only worth a dollar each (tops).