Linda's Lowly Beading Adventures

This is not quite complete. For an endless strand like this, I have my husband tie and glue the last 2 knots because his hand eye coordination is much better than mine. We finished this, but it came undone the first time I tried to wear it. It is smallish tahitians from Wen and tahitian keshi from Druzy Design.
Linda, I have no luck with endless strands, either. That's why I gravitate to orbit clasps. Not only does it give me something lock on to, but it allows me to easily link any strand to another strand.
With endless strands, the way that works for me (so far) is to begin by leaving the first 4-5 pearls (depending on the size of the pearls) unknotted because you are going to finish by making half-hitch knots back through them just as if you are working with a clasp. Make sure (test!! as you do before starting any necklace to make sure you can double back through the hole). Be sure you can get your threaded needle back through the pearls so you can finish with a half hitch knot between each pearl. A touch of glue will insure that the thread stays securely in place. Does this make sense?
BWeaves, I see your point. I have orbit clasps on my regular strands. I confess that I wanted to see how an endless strand worked. My husband thinks he has a knot that will work better than the one he did before. He was in the Canadian naval reserve, so presumably he knows! (note: I am not good with knots, lol). Pattye, yes it makes sense, but he says it is very hard to do the half hitch without leaving an ugly space. I dunno, I certainly couldn't do it! Note that in the necklace above, you can see on the right side where I doubled the thread back through the pearl. I'm using normal sized beader's secret, storm, and there is lots of room.
How fortunate you have a knot-savvy husband, Linda! There isn't just one way to do this stuff, as I've said many times. Can you run the thread ends back through the next pearl and then trim, instead of cutting right at the knot?

My "mad knotting skills" go back to the 70's when Macrame was so popular! My attempts at jewelry weren't memorable but do live on, lol. And there seems to be a macrame revival going on now!

This latest "Linda's Originals" design with the Tahitians/keshis is captivativating and I would be wanting to wear it right away, too!
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That keshi and tahitian strand is gorgeous. I have made some of my ropes endless and I find that I use them more. I can shift them and don't have to think about were the clasp is. I have had issues with endless strands coming loose before, so now I leave 6 pearls and use glue inside all of them.
Interesting real-life fixes. Someday, when I get back to knotting an endless strand, I will do the six pearl with glue technique! :)

Right now, I am busier with work than ever. In fact, I am spending time here avoiding the two or three hours I need to do today to keep my head above water. :)
This is not quite complete. For an endless strand like this, I have my husband tie and glue the last 2 knots because his hand eye coordination is much better than mine. We finished this, but it came undone the first time I tried to wear it. It is smallish tahitians from Wen and tahitian keshi from Druzy Design.
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This is so gorgeous! I hope once you guys get it securely knotted that you will show a neck shot. :)
He is indeed a very special husband... I am very lucky!

I had just enough tahitians and keshi to make a bracelet and earrings:
Odd, the picture didn't post. Try again:
Doesn't look like it's going to work. I think the internet speed is too slow. I'll have to try later. Sorry...
That bracelet and earrings are wonderful, Linda. They strike me as beautiful, everyday pieces, that should be worn frequently and enjoyed.
Well done, Linda! Very pretty, interesting shapes and lovely colors ... enjoy wearing those.
I re-did the larimar strand with the heavier beader's secret, and it worked well. So well, that I made a bracelet and earrings!
Next I have some stick pearls and aquamarines.