Lavender Freshdamas from Pearl Paradise II

Icyjade I've never met a "she" named Hector, but there is always a first…especially living in the SF Bay Area.
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Sheri was brilliant using the subtle tones on the pearl and translating them on the Octo they way she did and just from a picture, before she even had the pearl in hand!!!!!!!!
Hector is so radiant!!! I love the colors on his belly
Hector is so handsome! Thank you for sharing his photo shoot with us.
LoL Thank goodness those talents of Sheri are only being used for good, you being dazzled is proof of it. However I will keep my eye on you if you seem under a spell... I will be on to Sheri's plan to take over the world one Octo at a time.

Oops! In my defence I was dazzled by his gorgeousness and completely missed his name. My bad!
It seems the White Rose pic carried the day!
I love that his name is Hector and that he's pink! I'm also a bit jealous he looks so good in pearls! I think its wonderful y'all name your octopi... it gives them so much more character and they sort of take on their own personality. When Hector goes on excursions, please post them! Just make sure he's well cushioned in case he's delicate!
I'm sure you are just fine in your pearls!!!! Sheri asked me his name…and I thought name? Hector seemed so out of the ordinary for a Lavender dude, it fit. I think Sheri likes adopting out her Octopi babies, with a name shows its a good appreciative home! I would only post pics if people were truly interested in his adventures to come LoL. (There is still a chance mom might swipe him)

I love that his name is Hector and that he's pink! I'm also a bit jealous he looks so good in pearls! I think its wonderful y'all name your octopi... it gives them so much more character and they sort of take on their own personality. When Hector goes on excursions, please post them! Just make sure he's well cushioned in case he's delicate!
BPDDC, I have a sterling silver Octo but haven't come up with a name yet What kind of chain are you using?
LFS- I did not see this many months ago...I don't wear this Octo :) he is just in the "pearl" Collection :-), I was originally for mom, but she did not really like the Lavender.

BPDDC, I have a sterling silver Octo but haven't come up with a name yet What kind of chain are you using?
Sheri did an awesome job for sure. It was fun taking all sorts pictures in the garden. In fact I think all Octo "parents" should take garden pics!!!!

What a perfect pendant! That lavender pearl is perfect as an Octo ��
New grab from Kojima Pearl.

4010 copy.jpg

three lavender baroques CFW- showing shape photos 4011-1.jpg
I forget you are a "Details" lot LoL. I will post those in a bit.

Such a pretty drop shape and I love love love the colour ! What size !
Knock out luster and the color is just yummy. I love the squiggles toward the top :)