My 2 lavender Biwa strands arrived today and I've been having a little fun with the camera (read: pulling my hair out trying to photograph the orient!)
I also think they look silvery gray rather than lavender, almost a metallic aluminum color-- like nothing else I own. To tell the truth, I might not have bought them if they had been described as gray-- and that would have been a shame, because these are just great! I love their orient.
The 1st photo is one of the strands coiled, the 2nd shows them with a mabe pendant I have (Pteria penguin, I think it is) and the 3rd is my older white Biwas, for size comparison--I just can't seem to photograph their luster and orient! They are a little chubbier and smaller than the TPO strands. I've been thinking of restringing the small white ones with some pink and green tourmalines.