knotting technique question

I posted the #1 video. I took it down to improve it. This is the japanese method. I adapted the fire mountain sheet to this video. It works great with most pearls 6 mm and larger using #2 griffin. It also works with beaders secret doubled, and power pro doubled I will post a revised video soon. The old video is on this link.

Video is about using power pro 20#or 30#. When using silk don't use thread end burner, the cut would go black. Thread end burner is best if using power pro or beaders secret.

note picture is 9,5 mm edisons.
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I'm all thumbs without my tweezers, but I'll have to give this a try! Thanks for posting the video.
I still use a metal awl ... but when I tried this method I didn't need to use it. Though to be honest I didn't really see that it made a significant different in the length of time to knot a strand ... but it is a bit easier to get the knot up tight against the pearls.

Thanks for posting this was good to see it in action and I hadn't really sorted out how to end the strand.
Quick note. Ifyou find you don't like to use your fingernail to guide the nearly loose knot in place, you could use your tweezers. Get the knot size down to about the size of a quarter, then use your tweezers to place a loose knot in place. Then pull the two threads as in the video to get the knot tight and right in place.
Thank you for posting a knotting video! I posted one a while ago because no one else had, and in my back-stage mom way, I thought it was a good thing to do, to start a trend of posting videos as well as photos. It is under my signature. Also I don't use tools, so I thought there should be such a video up on YouTube. I had not found another no tool video on YouTube; even though many professionals had put up videos - they all seem to be so stuck on picking up an awl, pick or even nail, and using it to shove a knot tight and then putting the tool down to tie the next knot then picking the tool up and sliding it, etc....- and it is so not needed- IMO, there needs to at least be a choice out there - especially as the real pearl professionals I know, from Hisano to the Chinese knotters do not use a tool to tighten knots. It is faster and more efficient not to.

So, whether you realize it or not, you are the first person to respond with another knotting video on Pearl-Guide- something I have waited almost 18 months to happen! And, I hope it starts a trend. Pearl Dreams did a a great print layout for knotting, but it would be great to see yet another video. I have been meaning to do one making a whole strand, not just showing how to knot, so I am glad someone took up the slack. Thanks!
Hey, just because I don't use tools, doesn't mean I'll pick on people who do! ;) P-G should have videos of members knotting pearls with tools! A lot of folks seem to want to use a tool, so please do not let my opinion stop you from posting a video, tool or not. I was just a bit testy because there are very few, very very, few, YT videos with no tool and I personally think it is a method that should be more amply represented compared to the tool users!
I agree, Caitlin-- it's great to have videos up for people to learn by.

I just don't knot often enough to get proficient at other methods, I think. I haven't knotted a thing in at least a year! But I need to re-string my daughter's choker soon so maybe I'll give it a try without the tweezers again.
Hey PD
Yeah, that last remark was partially for you. I'd love to see a video accompanying your print tutorial!

Between my last post and now I have been watching YT videos of knotting, Fire mountain has a method that would take days and the way she knots is messy. She does not have control of the thread! (scratches head:confused:) beadaholique uses a tool too artbeads? Well, Maybe I will do a study and review several of these videos- not sure I can do it today, but it needs it...
I appreciate your comments My upcoming video will also show my 3rd hand ending technique. Basically you use double face tape on a surface ( i use paint stir wooden stick) to hold the last three pearls in place fairly snug together. Then pull gimp, and clasp into position at the end of the strand. Then single knot between the 1st and 2nd pearl at the end to end the strand. Next gs cement the knots. Sounds like it couldn't work .--But it does.

Some edisons I strung are on my Etsy page.

I suppose people often start with tools as they buy that knotting thingy from Artbeads or wherever ... then move on..

I don't have a burning desire to knot without the awl as I do so little knotting that if it adds 5 minutes on to the time it takes to finish a necklace be it. In the end..a knot is a knot.. :D

Lloyd...that double face tape is a clever idea. Keeping the right pressure on those three pearls is a bit tricky. Good idea!
Many thanks to everyone who puts up instructions and/or videos on pearl knotting ... I study them all, over and over and over. Look forward to your update, LloydsJewelry ... that tape trick sounds intriguing :)

I just posted a new thread with the #1 Japanese method probably too long, but fairly complete.

I've actually combined both technique 1&2 in the same piece. Before you think I'm loony, the piece I was knotting had a sterling silver bow flourish in the center. That meant I had a need to back tie from the bow, which would place the doubled up threads just a few pearls off the center. Since I hadn't yet perfected cutting & gluing without fuzz, didn't want to risk finishing near the front. So instead I started with normal technique 2 for clasp placement, back tied 3 pearls then moved to technique 1 stringing on double thread without tying until after the center bow flourish was placed. When I reversed and ended tying I was at the 4th pearl from the clasp, so all my finishing knots were at the back rather than front of the piece. This works really well if you are working with big heavy baroque since it gives you 4 strands through your whole piece for extra strength. I'm a definite novice working with no preconceived notions of what works best. For me which knotting technique was a logic and engineering challenge which is how I approach my many pearl "firsts".

Just to note I use Beaders Secret and Pattye' s incredibly smooth large eye needles. That combo makes back tying a breeze even on very small pearls. I've also found that thread burning has solved the swelling that hypo causes on a cut end, eliminating the risk of fuzz.
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So far I haven't knotted a necklace with a centerpiece like the bow you mention, but have several items that will need to be done that way. Thanks for sharing your knotting and finishing tips! Most pleased to hear the Beader's Secret thread and needles are working well for you also. :)