Japanese Kasumi vs. Chinese "Look-a-likes"

Am I correct in remembering the Chinese look gold-dusted? That would be upper right photo.
You would be right but gold dusted? I think that is just the way the light effect the photos or the way the pearls are. Gold dusted is a lovely expression though. Can I use it :)

Dawn, I'm going to guess that the strand with the gold barrel clasp are the Kasumi's and the blue enamel clasp is Chinese?

Jodie, you are right of course and the 22kt gold clasp really does give it away. Silly of me to think it wouldn't.

Sarah, your pearls are all stunners. The ring is amazing. Would love to have that. Would love to have them all.

Some more photos.

Dawn - Bodecia
Natural pearl collector and all round pearl lover


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Those are lousy photos of my pearls. My camera has been playing up. Probably something I did to it. Need to put it in a camera shop. Swear they look way better than they do in those photos. Ugg.

Meant to take side by side comparisons but it would be an insult to the pearls until I get my camera working properly. Might find photos I took ages back. If I do i will upload them. No promises though.

Dawn - Bodecia
Natural pearl collector and all round pearl lover
The Sanwa auction in Japan this month featured a couple of lots of genuine Kasumi pearls. These are pictures from the auction (no, we didn't buy them).


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Great photos!!!! Thanks all you contributors and please don't stop with the pix!

Now someone googling Kasumi pearls can get some meat with their vegetables!
LOL - I love this thread too! Dawn, I am PROUD to say I simply looked at the pearls themselves to tell them apart! Wow, I AM learning something (I actually thought I might have it wrong because I thought the enamel clasp may have been vintage and more valuable......)

Sigh...... Kasumi..... Kasumi....... Kasumi......... sigh.......... they ARE just AMAZING, aren't they? I wonder if anyone has ever written a haiku about them? lol They SHOULD!

- Jodie -
Great photos everyone! Sarah, thank you so much for taking the time to chime in during your trip- Hong Kong jet lag is a tough one! And I'm really glad to know that from a true experts' opinion, I'm not using the term "Kasumi-Style" incorrectly.

Haha Jodie- I'll give it a shot ;)

Kasumi passion
Gold dust and rose ripples rise
Glorious as dawn.
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We've had lots of haiku on this forum, but not this year. Haiku for Kasumis..... sounds---- so Japanese!

Calling all right brains: Wake up and take this assignment!
gold-dusted jewels
enchanting my eye and mind -
a spell of longing.
Rare, or not so much?
Eyes cannot tell difference:
Only my wallet.
Tee-Hee, this sure beats the forum about horse hoof problems.
Hi Dawn, I didn't use gold-dusted first. I'll see if I can find the reference.

Later: OK, I guess I used gold-dusted first. Sure, you can use it. Wendy uses Gold-Leaf.

I found the reference I was looking for but the expression used was 'gold-leaf'; so apparently I just associate differently, and morphed it to 'gold-dusted'.

The thread gold-leaf is in -->Thread: Ebay Q & A; Does anyone have experience with seller es_store; post 20 by pearlescence(Wendy). Caitlin uses it again in post 21, same thread.

I've wondered how the mollusc actually manages that gold leaf layer. It's so convincing it's hard to believe it's only nacre.

I wonder if these Chinese pearls will take the place the Souffle pearls occupy now. I'm thinking the weight will make the Souffle pearls more attractive for consumers, but for the farmers - will the Souffle pearls be too difficult and time consuming to make them a going concern?
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Not sure if this will be as interesting as the real pearl photos.. but for the real pearl "geeks" out there... (it took some time for us to find some one in Hong Kong who could scan these slides to digital form) .. but here are some x-ray photos of the sort of Chinese in-body nucleated fresh water 3.jpg2.jpgpearls that have been discussed in this thread.
The Chinese pearl producers are using the exact same method as have been used in Japan's Lake Biwa and Lake Kasumi for some time. They are nucleating with pre drilled nuclei. At the time of seeding they "spear" both the fully drilled nucleus and a small bit of mantle tissue on a very thin sort of awl tool and deposit both into the body, at which point the graft will grow into a pearl sac. This is the best method known to keep the nuclei from separating from the mantle tissue. So when you look at these pearls strands in x-ray, you will see that there are two intersecting lines. One is the drill hole from before the pearl was made and the other after harvest and processing.
Mr. Yanase, one of a handful of active Japanese fresh water pearl producers today credits Haruo Sakai with inventing this adaptation of ocean pearl nucleating technique that has given rise to the vast quantities of bead nucleated fresh water pearls available today.
Mr. Sakai was a pearl farmer in Lake Biwa and at one point was designated a living national treasure of Japan. He was famous for teaching many other pearl farmers in Lake Biwa how to nucleate mussels. Mr. Sakai actually patented this method in Japan.
We x-rayed these "Chinese Kasumi" pearls fully expecting to find that it was his method still alive and well today.
More photos of the actual pearls I have been finding here coming soon... also probably my favorite find on this trip... hundreds of old Voll family photos many of them documenting the pearl trade in New York, Phillipines, Japan and China dating from 1948! We are still feeding these through the slide scanner.. it's a very rewarding evening project for me!
That's really interesting Sarah...two questions. I got some undrilled gold leafs aka kasumi-ish pearls last month..how do they fit in?
and am I looking at the x ray right - they are using drop shaped nukes?
Hi Pearlessence, glad you found these interesting! :)
If your Chinese pearls are undrilled and you x-rayed them , you would most likely see that the nucleus was already drilled through (they do that before insertion into the mussel)
No.. the x-rays are a tad blurry (but still very kind of Fuji's dentist to make them for us!)
the nuclei are always round in these pearls.
Hope all is well with you and your pearliness!
Cheers, Sarah
Hi Sarah,

I find the x-rays very interesting. Do you have any other x-rays of any type of pearl. I am sure we would all be interested in seeing them.

Do you know what the mussel hybrids are being used to grow the Chinese Kasumi type pearls. I heard somewhere that it is the same as Japanese Kasumi but I also might have got it mixed up as I had also been reading about Biwa pearls too and it might have been those growers that bought the same hybrids to grow virtually the same Biwa pearls except in Chinese waters.

Would be great to hear the news from you as I am sure you would know the truth for both the Chinese Kasumi and the Biwa.

BTW - I don't like the name Pondslime for our pearls either. I must admit it does fit but it sounds horrid. I used to keep many, many Fancy Goldfish and had big ponds so know all about pond slime. :) I bought my fancies from a Chinese gentleman in Melbourne who imported them from China, naturally.

Dawn - Bodecia
Natural pearl collector and all round pearl lover
The x-rays are certainly interesting, but what REALLY caught my eye was the photo of the jeweled Kasumi pearl ring Sarah posted...GASP!!!!! Incredibly beautiful. Sarah, has that been added to your inventory?

Tee-Hee, this sure beats the forum about horse hoof problems.

LOL! (coffee almost shoots out my nose!)

Great haiku's you guys! Love them!

Yeah, those x-rays are awesome! Thanks Sarah! So cool! (hey, I'm having surgery on my arm in a few weeks, maybe I can talk my surgeon into letting me wear some of my pearls when they do the x-rays? lol)

I agree, "pondslime" used to make me just cringe (although now I kinda like it!) "Goldleaf" is a very apt description of what the gold "layer" looks like. But aren't some of them more green than gold? Hmmmmm - antique gold is kinda greenish.......

- Jodie -
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