Is this Top Peacock Tahitian??

Perhaps you need to do a google search and see where you can mail order something like this, if you can't source locally. Many of us here in the US order various supplies online, sometimes through smaller vendors, but also through our wholesale accounts set up with larger companies. If you are planning to do custom jewelry, you want to get some resources lined up.
Hi pattye, I mostly source for supplies online too. But it's the first time looking for white gold beads. Seems no luck with my online search.. Are there any Online suppliers that you can recommend? Thanks
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Bella's Findings House of Los Angeles has them in both white and yellow gold. If you do buy from them, ask for the medium to heavier weight beads. The lightest ones tend to fall apart over time.
Hi Jeremy, I have left them a message indicating my needs (white gold, 3-5mm, small holes) shall await their reply. In the meantime, I look through rio grande and saw these 3 mm white gold beads with even smaller holes (now I am wondering if it's too small:)! what do you think? Can the usual double silk thread pass through?
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Hi caitlin :) those white gold beads are available on 1.8mm or 3mm. I am thinking of either stringing 3 white gold beads in a row (e.g 1.8mm, 3mm, 1.8mm) or add this 5mm gold bead in the centre (3mm white gold bead, 5mm gold bead, 3mm white gold bead) between every 2 Tahitian interval.
Which would you think will look better:)?
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The 3mm alone would be OK. I like big pearl, small pearl (or bead), big pearl, small, but in my western-influenced taste, more then 1 bead between, or larger than 3mm, would detract from the Tahitians. One 3 mm bead between each pearl will add enough length to about slip over your head. 30 beads=90mm, 9cm....Silk thread would fit great.

If silk thread would not accommodate doubling through twice. Power Pro 20lb certainly will. It is a synthetic thread woven in a tube and very hard to break or cut. The tube compresses when knotted so it makes beautiful tight knots 20lb =.009mm in diameter so will accommodate the 1.8mm size beads, which I, personally, would like the best.

Ultimately you will be the one wearing it, so play around with it until it "sings" to you. Or selling it. Same thing.
I agree with Caitlin, one 3mm bead between each pearl would be lovely. Personally, I like the yellow gold color with your red/green over-toned pearls, but again it is just my taste. Power Pro will stand up to metal beads. If you must have silk, try lining the metal bead with large holed seed beads for protection. It can be a bit fiddly, but it works.
Look forward to seeing your finished work!

Hi there! Thank u all for the replies:) There are 34 Tahitian pearls on the strand. That would mean that I will be using 34 pcs of 3mm (14k wg beads). I am looking at a completed length of 26 inches and a layout of (pearl, knot, 3mm bead, knot, pearl, knot,3mm bead, knot......)

According to the seller, the Tahitian strand itself including the clasp will finished around 18 inches. Do you think that including all the knotting and beads, will the necklace complete at a 25-26 inches? tks!

Btw, I was looking at these two, 3mm beads There is a huge difference in price. Other than the different hole size (one .051", the other .030"–.036") I do not detect other differences:) May I seek your views on which hole size is more suitable for the necklace?

Here are the 2 links:
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You need to draw out a picture the pearls and spacer beads and see what happens if you have 34 of each.

Time to do a little math---------

How many inches additional of beads (and knots) do you need?

Have you got a mm gauge so you can figure out how many 3mm beads there are in an inch? Approximately. Knots will not add much.

What do you come up with?????? Now you know if your necklace will end up at about 25-26 inches.
Haha math lesson, I do not used to enjoy:)

Ok, according to the seller, the strand of 34 pearls (including clasp and knots) will add up to 18 inches (approx 46cm)

I would like the completed necklace to be 26 inches (66cm)

That means I need additional 8 inches(20cm)

Per bead is 3mm X 34 beads=10.2cm (let make it at 12 cm including knots)

Hmm.. I am still short of 3 inches (8cm)

Are the figures correct? Did I miss out anything:)?

What I can think of is to add on more 3mm beads (8cm divide by 0.3mm= 26 more beads)

Will the necklace look good with two, 3mm beads between every pearl? Alternatively, I will have to go for the (1.8mm,3mm,1.8mm bead) layout.
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I kinda like this layout. Much lighter, not the chunky, heavy look.

I would like it to be a set of (3mm,5mm (stardust), 3mm beads) between every 2 Tahitian. The Tahitian pearls are approx 9.2X11MM - 10.9X13.5MM

Finished off with a 6mm (stardust clasp), that will be around 26 inches.

I have yet to get the strand, but just to get the idea of the proportion hence the attachment. The sizes are similar (3mm beads,5mm FW pearl,3mm beads and a 12.5mm round)

What do you think:)?

Btw, If there is NO knot between the bead and pearl, will the gold bead be rubbing against the pearl and scratches the pearl after some time? Do you advise to do with a knot between the bead and pearl or without? reason being? tks

Btw, Cathy if you are reading, may I know you Tahitian pearl size as well as the gold bead size? They are gorgeous:p Tks!
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here's the pict


  • Photo1727.jpg
    12.1 KB · Views: 95
Hi thanks Cathy! May I know if there is a knot between the bead and pearl? Do you think that the bead might scratch the pearl without a knot?

Eta: I just noticed the link! It is really pretty:) too bad, gold just does not complement my skintone.
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I personally would add more beads at the ends and rather make the necklace shorter or go and hunt for matching pearls. But you should see how the necklace looks like when you get the pearls and try different arrangements. When it does, you'll know. I learned for myself that I am not good at compromising. It is worth going the extra lenght and look for something that rings the bell.
Hi ramona! Exactly! I am not good at compromising :) it is a little too early to decide as I have yet to see the real strand! I am exploring the Possibilties now, it's kinda hard to visualize. I will certainly try various arrangement when it reaches my hands:) btw, I would love to know if the gold bead will scratch the pearl when strung side by side without a knot? Also, will a knot slip through a 0.060" bead hole? Tks
Hi all, I was recommended to use wire instead of silk thread for the necklace, reason being that its too heavy. Can I know more about wires for stringing, it sounds harsh to me, you know metal against soft pearls..:)
Hi Pearlies.
We have a whole forum called the Lowly Beaders Club filled with techniques of stringing, from wire to several kinds of thread and silk. I strongly suggest you read through those for lots of ideas. Wire is special coated beading wire you get from a beading supplier. Rio Grande has them. You really seem to be itching to design and make your necklace and those pages will help educate you to choose the proper stringing medium. Start reading and ask any questions over there. I think I have said everything I have to say on this thread, except I wish you the best in this quest.:)