What makes me decide? years of experience handling pearls of all types every day of the week for many years. It is how I earn my living.
Also...when a seller (es) lies so blatantly about some of their descriptions then all of their descriptions should not be believed.
I'll say again, you posted, you asked for our opinion, we give our opinion and immediately you dispute those opinions. Do you really simply want confirmation of your own opinions?

It is not a debate. It would be more helpful if you can explain why you think it is or it is not, that's the whole point of coming to forums like this, learn one thing or two....
Sounds like you are not willing to or cannot give explanations. That's fine by me. Whatever suits yourself. Thanks!
Let's cool the jets here lol. Wiwi, I appreciate your spunk but the people who are commenting are experts, whether they say so or not. Wendy and Pattye both have extensive experience in many different types of pearls as well. Caitlin is kind enough to call me an expert which I consider myself to be in Tahitian pearls. The evolution of freshwater pearls is so hard to keep up with though, that I think it is entirely possible for the pearl to be something I have never seen before.
I think it is a Tahitian because the lack of luster is something that happens as the pearls get bigger. The pearl is a 15.7mm which puts it well into the XL category (there isn't one really haha). The luster looks pretty decent anyway. The color could very well be Tahitian as well as the form.
Is the bale white gold or sterling silver?

The differences are subtle, not easy to point out, unfortunately. You seem to want something that will be easy for you to understand, but you need to see pearls in person, look in the stores, ask questions in person with pearls in front of you. Most of us have been looking at pearls for many years, making jewelry or selling or buying such for years. You will not learn to evaluate pearls in just a few hours of asking questions, unfortunately.
Leaving aside all the "is it genuine" stuff - I love Tahitian pearls, for their ooomph. Their lovely colours, lustre, the way their overtones vary - that one's just a bit dull.
Let's cool the jets here lol. Wiwi, I appreciate your spunk but the people who are commenting are experts, whether they say so or not. Wendy and Pattye both have extensive experience in many different types of pearls as well. Caitlin is kind enough to call me an expert which I consider myself to be in Tahitian pearls. The evolution of freshwater pearls is so hard to keep up with though, that I think it is entirely possible for the pearl to be something I have never seen before.
I think it is a Tahitian because the lack of luster is something that happens as the pearls get bigger. The pearl is a 15.7mm which puts it well into the XL category (there isn't one really haha). The luster looks pretty decent anyway. The color could very well be Tahitian as well as the form.
Is the bale white gold or sterling silver?
Thanks for your explanations, josh, it's really helpful. It's white gold and the seller does not want to take one penny less for the asking price.

The differences are subtle, not easy to point out, unfortunately. You seem to want something that will be easy for you to understand, but you need to see pearls in person, look in the stores, ask questions in person with pearls in front of you. Most of us have been looking at pearls for many years, making jewelry or selling or buying such for years. You will not learn to evaluate pearls in just a few hours of asking questions, unfortunately.

Pattye, agree with you, because so many pearls,so little time.
I recognize the symbol on the picture, this is an eBay seller from Hong Kong (trying to remember his name ... Give me a minute.) I've bought a couple loose pearls from him. They are nice Tahitians. He also has many South Seas whites and goldens. I think he is legit and trustworthy.
It's pearl society, on ebay, I think? But I can't see this one on there.
Ha! Sorry Amanda, but any way, the two Tahitians I bought were about $40 each, and very nice. Now I just have to figure out where to drill them.
I am thinking we need to add a little bit more to the sticky, like if it is an ebay sale, who is the vendor.

Done. Would folks please take a look and let me know if the wording needs to be different. Thanks.
It is not a debate. It would be more helpful if you can explain why you think it is or it is not, that's the whole point of coming to forums like this, learn one thing or two....
Sounds like you are not willing to or cannot give explanations. That's fine by me. Whatever suits yourself. Thanks!

wiwiwi (is that all the way home?) I am deeply sorry you did not pick up on any of the things anyone but Josh told you about the pearl and that he had to defend us to you. We were all explaining why it is such a boring pearl, it looks like a freshwater, whether it is saltwater or not. We used all the words and qualities for pearls that you need to learn in order to judge for yourself.

More important than asking us to judge pearls cold, it is better for you as a buyer to inquire about the venders from whom you wish to buy without disclosing to us which pearl you want. In buying pearls, the vender is almost more important than what pearl you buy.

This whole thread would have taken a completely different tone had you asked about buying from ES pearls and the Pearl Society, We'd a said NO to the first and Yes to the second. Then it doesn't matter which pearl you pick, boring or not.
Ha! Sorry Amanda, but any way, the two Tahitians I bought were about $40 each, and very nice. Now I just have to figure out where to drill them.

Yep, it's. I read the same thread too. Let me know if you figure out where to do the settings, I am looking for jewellers for my other pearls... Thanks
Josh, you might not have seen the big bead nuked white freshwaters which look exactly like white SS. I've put one with the other and you cannot spot the difference on nacre - the flaws are still freshwater though, but that is just about the only way to tell.
Wiwiwi - I did not mean to be so abrupt...I had had a dfficult customer sending endless emails and phoning all day and my patience was a little thin. The much more tactful Pattye and caitlin are exactly right though - we can tell pretty much through years of handling pearls and buying pearls and also hearing on here the stories of sellers who are 'economical with the truth' at best - such as es.
But in the end who you shop with and to whom you listen is entirely up to you, of course
Is Pearl_Society not a different company than PearlSociety?