I would back Caitlin's opinion against just about any bricks and morter local jeweller's any day. most local jewellers can't tell a real pearl from a fake, let alone what type. But you came here expecting your choices to be confirmed, not in a spirit of honest enquiry and education.
! wiwiwi, why throw the baby out with the bath water? PG is a written forum, missing tones of voice. Without voice tones, the reader has to fill in emotions, and that can be dicey.

Please accept that PG is a Dynamic forum, with a Challenging dialogue that often teaches us very well. I think it's called the Socratic Method(?). Anyway challenges are thrown down, and debated with a lot of heat at times, but it's done knowing we're trying to advance knowledge.

Also, taste is personal (oh, I can't resist - "...taste is all in our mouths!"),:) and you're delighted with your pearl! You read, you debated, you took a leap of faith and you're happy. That's a pretty good outcome:)
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Wait a minute! I told you so!

wiwiwi all the way home!

I know a lot of people who are happy with indifferent Tahitians. One of my friends is even really proud of her shell necklace she bought as a Tahitian. but they didn't ask me what I thought, and I didn't tell them. You had a jeweler say it was a Tahitian. and several others here say it wasn't. What I said, was,- if it is not clearly a Tahitian and not a freshwater, why pay a Tahitian price? Now that is expert advice.

I am old -and often crabby- I guess. People come here asking for FREE opinions, then argue with them, if it is not the answer they want. My tone of voice is perfectly pleasant, even if what I say is not agreeable- Oh, I see Wendy covered that already....mwaah!
How very charming!

This thread is another great example of how to win friends and influence people, NOT!

Good luck with the OP's purchase and future purchase.

I guess you have probably learnt so much in such short time that you can now be an expert on all things related to pearls that you no longer need to waste your valuable time in posting in PG to ask for opinions/advice/help/etc...

Good job too as those who had offered you advice and help freely and selflessly can now spend their valuable time and effort in helping others who show a bit more appreciation, and therefore, more deserving!

Hi Jeremy, the pics went away, but there's a link to them on post #42, I just don't know how to put them on the thread, or I would. It'd be a good reference wouldn't it?
Here is one of the photos from the eBay auction. I'm putting it up so when the auction is no longer visible, we'll still have the photo, for the sake of the thread.

The listing has the pearl at 17.4 mm x 15.7 mm.


  • wiwiwi's Tahitian pearl.jpg
    wiwiwi's Tahitian pearl.jpg
    14.2 KB · Views: 84
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It's all personal, natch, but for that money I'd definitely want something with more ooomph to it.
Well, we did agree that the pearl_society was a reliable vendor- It's just I'd hate to pay $480.for a pearl that doesn't have $480. of wow factor.
That's better, Caitlin-- it's good to be able to see the pearl from various directions.

To the OP who may still be reading, I would say: enjoy your pearl, whatever it is! It's a good size and an interesting color. And, try not to be too miffed-- we calls 'em as we sees 'em!
It wouldn't be very helpful if we only told everyone what they hoped to hear, would it?
Pattye, you're right! It's upside down. Maybe it was corrected before it was sent out; hope springs eternal...
Thanks for posting the photos, kids
Pattye, you're right! It's upside down. Maybe it was corrected before it was sent out

No, I have an enhancer from the same vendor and the finding (14KY) is the same way as the one in the picture. Mine is a really big creme SSP with a very soft luster, not exactly shiny but a great buy for $100.

- Karin
Manufacturing defect meets bulk discount? By defect I mean the bauble should be on a ring suspended from the hole in the bail. Then there should be another ring or NO ring on the unbroken arch of the bail. Yes, Pattye?

For safety, the unbroken arch of the catch should go over the necklace. That supports it against gravity / yanking forces, you see?

I can't see the bail too well; is there a hinge there somewhere? Or is it a snap bail? I think I see a hinge.
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I would think the hole at the top of the enhancer is for a chain to pass through (if used as a pendant instead of an enhancer), but the leather cord the pearl was photographed with was too thick to pass through it. Viewed from the front you can't see the hole for the chain.

There is a hinge in the lower back. I have earrings that have a hinge in that location; I think it's secure.

I don't think it's defective.

Click on the small photos to enlarge them.
Oh, yes pattye, I see-- and I have to agree that that arrangement looks much better. And the hole seems the right size for a jump ring rather than a chain.