Indonesia, the world's largest SSP producing country, to increase production

I think they face stiff competition by large Chinese freshwater pearls. Either they push the exclusive luxury segment or try to compete with cheaper prices. I would go probably opt for the first, particularly the way the economy looks. But that may also be difficult.
I agree with Mike. This could very well lead to over production and there aren't any controls in Indonesia the way there are in Tahiti. Goldens are already under valued right now and this will just push them down even more. This is a big issue because it isn't sustainable. Look at French Polynesia. So many farms (the majority) closed up shop or just stopped growing when the bottom fell out. Those that are left are struggling just to stay afloat.
Love the Indonesians and their smiling, gentle ways but really doubt they have the capability, and mettle, to support their best intentions through...ta boleh

Guess I am a little confused about this post. Are you saying you don't think Indonesia is capable of expanding their production? Or are you saying Indonesians aren't up to it as a people. I hope I am reading something wrong here. Unless you have some information others don't about pearling in Indonesia I don't see where you base this assumption.
Oh dear, don't get me wrong... Nope, no inside information; what would I know about pearling industry there?

You are right, pure assumption and in fact, a generalisation, based on my understanding of the 8 Indonesians who have shared my household in the last 15 years.
Hello everyone, my first post here in this extremely helpful forum.

I'm from Indonesia, and even though I don't know much about pearling industry here, but it seems the talk about pushing the industry has been coming from the Maritime Affairs Minister. However, he has just been recently replaced, so I'm not sure whether his plan would be carried through by the new minister.
Hi everyone,
A little research here in pearl guide on (annual pearl production) led to the result that the numbers in the article are totallly wrong - Indonesia produced about 5 tons of pearls in 2010 (maybe 5.7), the article stated 5.7 million tons... Anywaay, I don?t think that increasing the production will lead anywhere - they should concentrate on quality from my point of view. Thanks perlida for the information and keep us updated on any news regarding the subject!
Hi everyone,
A little research here in pearl guide on annual pearl production led to the result that the numbers in the article are totallly wrong - Indonesia produced about 5 tons of pearls in 2010 (maybe 5.7), the article stated 5.7 million tons... Anywaay, I don?t think that increasing the production will lead anywhere - they should concentrate on quality from my point of view. Thanks perlida for the information and keep us updated on any news regarding the subject!
Thanks for posting the article Jeremy, and thanks for everyones views so far.
My first thoughts were, sounds like someone that likes to talk big.
Well done Perlinda.