I need some info on 2 strands of pearls.


New Member
Jul 19, 2007
I have 2 strands of pearls that I know nothing about. I would like to know if they are worth anything, what kind they are, how old they are? I just don't know where to start.
Hi Bums,

If you can take some good photos of the strands and post them here, we can give you some ideas. Show the clasp too. Tell us anything you know about the pearls' history. Do they come in a special box? Do you know the mm size? Also we can refer you appraisers that specialize in pearls if that seems appropriate. Welcome, you came to the right place!

so many pearls, so little time
info on pearls, please.

info on pearls, please.

All I know about the pearls is that the longer pair has a pinkish color to them and the back of the clasp has an M on the top and the number 750 under it. The shorter pair says sterling on the back of the clasp. I'm not sure if the photos were loaded???
Sorry Bums,

No photos showing yet! If you can't see 'em I can't either! The 750 most likely means 18k gold. That is a good sign!
Please keep working on the photos! Where did you get the pearls, inheritance? From someone in your family, garage sale??? What are the lengths of the strands?

so many pearls, so little time
YIPPIE!! Pictures.

YIPPIE!! Pictures.

I think I got it! These were bought at an estate auction sale. Other than that I have no info.


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Try taking a closeup of the clasp. Take your pictures on macro, (if you have digital. Crop them so the image takes up the entire screen.
The M on it may mean it is from the mouse (miki-moto)
2 strands of pearls

2 strands of pearls

Not sure if these are any better???


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Hi Bums
Unfortunately those are all out of focus. My old eyes can't see them.

Do you have a digital camera? If so, it has a macro setting. I punch the main setting button untl a little flower shows up.
That setting will take a huge closeup which you will have to crop and resize to get it up here.
Get in as close as you can and still get the clasp.

Also hold the "take picture" button half way down for a second or two, then press it all the way down. It will freeze the frame so it will be in focus. Believe me that little trick has saved me from being permanently out of focus. :D no jokes now.......
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2 better pictures.

2 better pictures.

I hope these are better.


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Estate sale pearls

Estate sale pearls


I think the last picture shows a clasp that has been used by Mikimoto. I have seen it somewhere in a book Ithink. The other strand I do not know but as Caitlin says, try for some clearer photos.
I Think These Look Pretty Good

I Think These Look Pretty Good

Better??? I hope someone can give me some info on these two strands.


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Hi bums,

Your photos are really bad unfortunately :( which is a pity. They do look like Akoya Japanese pearls and the clasps are interesting or at least one of them might be. You said there was an M on the back of one clasp. Can you describe it in more detail i.e. is it in a shield or oyster shape? This could be important for you so look closely and try to get a good photo of the pearls and the clasps. Can't remember if you said the pearls felt gritty or not. That is important too. Gritty on the teeth that is. Just gently rub across your teeth and try to feel if they feel gritty. Give as much info as you can and take the very best photos you can. Follow Caitlin's photo advice. Use a macro mode etc - follow Caitlin's advice in other words and give us some really good, top quality photos and a description of the M plus surround, if any, to work with for you.



I thought the last pictures would be ok? They both don't feel gritty on teeth. They feel smooth. The gold clasp has an M inside a shield shape. They also have a slight pink hue to them. The silver clasp has the word sterling on the clasp and thats it. They are more of a creamy look when I hold them next to each other.
How about a pictrure of the backs of the clasps?

So far we have one that may have a miki clasp, but smooth against the teeth generally means faux........

We really need clear focused pictures of the entire strand to tell what the pearls are like.

Try holding the shutter half way down to freeze frame it, then push it all the way down.
My Husband is a genious!!!

My Husband is a genious!!!

I have been trying to get a good picture for 2 days. He walks up and puts a jewelers loop in front of the camera and I think they are perfect.


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Hi Bums,

The gold looks to me like Miki, and the sterling strand may be also. I recall someone suggested Mikimoto in New York, they do appraisals, you probably would need to make some phone calls, but probably would be able to get a lot of addl info by calling them directly. PLEASE DO NOT take to just any jeweler for appraisal. Photos much improved! Wish mine were! If you are not in New York there are safe ways to "mail" your items for appraisals.

so many pearls, so little time
1 more thing

1 more thing

If they were both MIKI do you have any idea what they would be worth?? The one with the gold clasp is 22 in. And the Sterling is 16 in.
Honestly, no, I am not a professional appraiser. No one can accurately tell from a photo either. A professional pearl appraiser could put a value on them if they examine them in person. And if they are Mikis, having a paper saying so from Mikimoto Co themself will add value and verify their origin to you and any future purchaser. So best plan to spend a little more $ and you will know exactly what you have. IMHO!!

so many pearls, so little time

Sorry, I missed that you are in New Orleans!
That looks like a miki clasp to me. I am not a miki expert, but from what I have seen on eBay for mikis with the clasp $800-$2000+ (The higher figure also has the box and certificate)
Well, here is one with only the clasp. That is a buy it now price and may not sell. I have put it on watch to see what happens. Here are all the current miki necklaces on eBay. This one claims miki with only a box. I doubt it will bid up that high. For a great education on the fair market value for your one with the clasp, follow the auctions on eBay.
I agree that it would be worth it to have the franchise look at both. With an appraisal from them, you can get a good price.
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