How to Make a Pearl Necklace.

Beadalon also makes a great knotting tool. I have had good luck with it (after some practice!) with no fraying issues.
Caitlin, thank you so much for that information! And thanks to all the other posters that followed with more info ;-)

I have been beading for a couple of years now, but am still tip-toeing around pearls. This gives me the push to get started on some freshwater pearls I have (keshis and some stick pearls.) Then, off to turn my 2 graduated 36" strands that I never wear into 20" graduated strands I WILL wear!

That's a great little formula to remember. I was restringing a lavender, peach, and white necklace and it would have been nice to just count out. I will from now on. Thanks!
Regarding the tri-cord knotter. I can't say enough how much I love mine. The knots are so even and it's so much easier on the eyes than having to use a tweezer or needle...however, I will say I saw a gal use one that was a knock-off from the Tri-Cord Knotter and it razored through the silk half-way through the knotting due to a sharp edge.

So while I recommend the tri-cord, don't go with a knock-off. Get the real thing.

And regarding wax. I only string on silk that has has one good stretch and one drag through the wax. Never had any issues. :)
Hi, pearl people! can anyone tell me how much length is added to a strand by the knotting? It would obviously depend on the number of pearls used, but, for example, if
a knot is 1 mm. then a 50 pearl hank would gain an additional 50 mm. ( or 5 cm. or 2.3 inches ) by knotting. Thanks, all.
yup, Marianne. of course, must include the clasp. so, any answers? i don't have a pearl strand handy to measure.
No calculator needed. This is knotted. If your strand is unknotted, just measure out one inch.

7 3MM = 1 inch
6 4MM = 1 inch
5 5MM = 1 inch
4 6MM = 1 inch
3 7MM = 1 inch

See the pattern? Easy to remember.
I wish we had the bead counter, but this works.
i am a little bit dumb-- can you explain the number sequence? i am considering buying a hank of southseas, 12-14 mm. if you tell me the thickness of the knots, i will calculate the
number of mm's added according to the number of pearls. thanks much.
new york dude aka pearl freak aka nacre nabob aka "it's late and i just need to go to sleep"
I am sorry we are not better prepared.

I suggest you take the thread you will use and do a series of knots up close to each other. Count how many make an inch. Say you have 29 pearls and certain size thread. You will make 30 knots of the same thread. How many inches would that be?

I must admit, I have never counted this close,but the bigger the pearls,the fewer needed to make the necklace, thus the fewer knots.
With such large pearls, you have to use double knots to avoid them slipping into the larger holes. Some people use four threads instead of two and double knot with big pearls. Bigger knots = longer necklace. :)
A very late addition to this post. I saw some Kaygee spools at a trade show recently, remembered this thread, and bought some. And it's the best thread I have knotted with. There are only 3 thicknesses, in white, beige and black, but I manage ok. One between medium and thick would be nice :-) BUt what surprised me ... it is readily available, just re-branded with different company logos. Quite annoying really ... it looks like cheap beading thread, but I'm a Convert!
Umm, Shamrock craft sell it wholesale, craftontheinternet, Beads, Trimmings and Craft in Brisbane, and I think Empire Beads sell it too. I'd love to know what you think, Caitlin. Ruth
Bernadette sent me some years ago. I think it is fine. It is very good thread, not quite as strong as Ppro, but easier on the hands, doesn't stretch and makes good knots with good drape to the strand. I just never ordered any because I didn't know where. Are the sites you mention in Australia?
craftontheinternet and Empire Beads are online. Beads Trimmings and Craft have a large shop and also sell online. I think Kaygee will also sell wholesale, but I haven't checked that.
easy measure ...twice length for no knots + abit for tying off. knotting. 4-41/2 times the length.
all based on double thread fit plain stringing

We always knotted to second one came back and knotted and glued, Elmer's only (water soluable) never Chrystal or super!
Ialways had trouble stringing ack through three tight. ?)

Very good written instructions for ahard task.

Ran into someone who used agar-agar for needle. Twisting fingers and let dry. We use bees wax, and keep sealed to preserve moisture. We have big apiary near house so wax is least of problems.
Some time ago I found cord a Roy (spell) with big rills. (?) worked well for laying out and keeping track of pearls. I have old bead boards also. There is a new SS easy clasp, not cheap but easy for fingers to use, Pinching the clasp opens it to remove male plunger. Just pushing it in engages it.
I think you are talking about wide wale corduroy fabric. That would work great for laying out strands! It might be easiest to find in the upholstery section of a large fabric store :)