How old is this pearl ? Play again !

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Fed up with Renaissance ?
So what is that in your opinion :confused:


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Old popes is my thought.. (not much of a history buff, but I LOVE Le Louvre, if even only for the architecture! Wouldn't miss it for anything!!) - much more interesting than Versailles, Mervione!
R a p e of Europa by Rubens (1577 - !649)


Does this painting remind you of something ;)

J Marcus, Absolutely agree with you !!!
Saved? I thought it was a date - r a p e ........;)

Hopefully you are there

So you're right about Europe .
Another answer could be : Io (I think I have mixed up th 2 stories :D)
to whom Jupiter appearing previously as a cloud when she was still a human,
once he had changed her into a heifer (what a story !!!) he appeared himself as a bull
But when was the moment that the pendant captured :confused:
I guess we will never know

Well, seems that none has seen this pendant in Washington ,
pls ask the museum about the real story:p
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Here is what Caitlin tells us about the centuries that came after Renaissance

17th Century
Over time, European royalty wore pearls in every possible way, as jewelry, as crowns, and sewn on clothes. The largest pearls as brooches and as many long matched strands as possible dangled from bosoms and headpieces, cloaks, hats, and shoes. Artwork records lavish use of pearls by the gentry and centuries of paintings depicting nobles wearing ropes of pearls.

Apart from being the 4 ugliest men you 've ever seen, :eek:
how old are these popes (you were right Nerida), and which material were used ?:confused:

play again ;)
Popes from the different regions??? Tocany, etc.?

Materials - enameled? seed pearls, rubies, gold, possibled crushed or powered stones? I've missed so much :( FUN!!!
Pope Sabaiano started his term in 604 he date on the medal
Pope Ioannes known in English as john iv AD640-642
Theodore the I 642-649

I can't read the upper left one. Oh. It would be Gregorio the I from the date.
Thanks to wikipedia
You're both right,
There were " plenty of" Popes, and I show you only 4 :p
Made of : wax, pearls seeds, fine stones and glass
Said to have been given by french king Louis the XV in 1755 to the french coins cabinet

Was the time of cutting stones, a lot coming from "New world", less metal and more stones used for jewelry making.
A lot of pearls in jewelry as well.
Mixing several techniques on same jewels as we saw.

A lot of diamonds arriving from India and "New world".
Discovery of strass used in replacement of diamonds.
Jewels worn by the rising wealthy social class, not only by the aristocracy.
The bow becomes in fashion (Roccoco, Louis XV style).
Pearls used as long ropes, bracelet, pendant earrings,

Does anyone feel like adding something ? just do it ;)

Few jewels remaining (in Museums), due to unset and reset in XIX century


I shall remove attached pictures tomorrow

And today' game is :
How many pearls are there on Queen Marie Antoinette' s necklace?
When did she gave it and why?
(and any relative story if you feel like telling ;))

play again
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That necklace went up for sale recently. I think we have a full picture of it on this site--somewhere maybe here LINK

It did not sell- maybe because the setting is weird- I think that setting is newer.
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I can't say that they are, but the pearls seem a little silver gray in color, would love to see this piece in person for sure!
Yes 33 pearls, count by yourself !!

I would love to see this piece in person for sure!

I took this photo out of the Christie's sale catalogue I got.

See another beautiful picture in mentioned thread :

the pearls are truly fantastic, in the thread mentioned by Caitlin, there is a discussion about where pearls are from.
Truly some have same orient than Sea of Cortez pearls, the not perfectly matched colors give a great interest to the piece in my opinnion.
The way the button pearls are set around the red ruby line, while the drop shaped pearls are hangeg from a zigzag diamonds line, I really love it


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Good bye XVIII century, there is time for a change, politic and industrial revolution,
Romantic period ...
I have collected few photos to show but here is one interesting piece to watch at.

So today's questions are :
-beside pearls which material were used for this necklace ?
-how old and where does this piece belong to?


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Do you see it better there ?
Or don't you like the romantic period? :rolleyes:
Be patient for seeing the art nouveau, art deco periods, tihs is the gate to

So today's questions are :
-beside pearls which materials were used for this necklace ?
-how old and where does this piece belong to?


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This is my first time, but I love this thread. I'm going to say 18k gold, silver, onyx and pearls of course, late Victorian (1880ish) and France. This reminds me of a wine tasting!
Let me know your opinion : would you wear it today ? :rolleyes:
In pearls shown in this thread page 2, you said you would ! and it was 2500 years old !

This brings the question of modernity : I think modernity has nothing to do with period it is referring to, but just the way 2 periods meet at a specific moment.
I was teached that when a certain etruscan statue was discovered at beginning of XIX century, she was called "the parisian" because she was dressed exactly like parisians were at that very moment.

Another story (I like story telling :p)
Coco Chanel and Fulco di Verdura, a famous Sicilian designer went for a great tour to Europe museums to find inspiration from, in order to create / re-create designs for Chanel jewelry collections. Fulco di Verdura was found of big Byzantin patterns.

what is your opinion about modernity concept in jewelry?

thanks for sharing this adventure of pearls story with me :):):)

(not finished yet ;))
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My that is a beautiful piece! Somehow it looks a little Italian to me--maybe it is the shape of the stations. Not sure the dark material is onyx, but maybe enamel? The whole thing looks weighty! Would need a tiny neck and some major decolette to do it justice! I'll let someone else model---Elisa, where are you?????
Do you see it better there ?
Or don't you like the romantic period? :rolleyes:
Be patient for seeing the art nouveau, art deco periods, tihs is the gate to

So today's questions are :
-beside pearls which materials were used for this necklace ?
-how old and where does this piece belong to?

Her is my wild out here guess... ...
looks to be either enamel, jet or onyx, me thinks enamel though and gold, it looks possibly dated victorian maybe they had a knack for replicating their fanciful Version of stuff.

Ni I woudl nto wear it ti looks too manly and not girly (sillly to say but that is me... Silly)

looking forward to the answer..