How often do you wear pearls?

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I pretty much wear pearls almost every day of the week. Sometimes it's a strand sometimes it's earrings but not ususally together. Sometimes I wear a pendant. I do sometimes go without pearls but not usually for more than a day or two. I have a few other non pearl items in my jewelry box that I get a good amount of wear out of.
How about you?
I wear mine just about every day. My days of chains with dainty pendants are long gone - the neck ain't what it used to be, and pearls disguise the crepey skin so well....:)
I go through phases.

When I'm in a pearl phase, I'll wear pearls every day or every other day for a stretch. Then I'll become enchanted again with my watermelon tourmalines, and wear those for a stretch. And so on, with my other gemstones.
I wear pearls once or twice a week. It really just depends on what clothing I am wearing and what I am doing each day.
3 -4 times per week. I usually wear the baroques (and now will add the exotics) during the week and the rounds on the weekend if we are going out. I'm considering having a couple of my strands made into double strand braclets as I think I will wear them more that way.
I wear pearls (in some form) almost every day that I am not working. Unfortunately, since I work in a lab with nasty chemicals and splash potential (as well as occasional days of heavy exertion and subsequent perspiration) I am usually afraid to wear my pearls there, except for my cheapest beading pearls.
Hi everyone,

I wear my pearls all the time, as I have quite many of them and they need to be "aired" so I think perhaps I should sell my goldjewellery, the prices being so high right now..
(Just kidding).

Seriously though I love the look of pearls and they are so elegant without being overdressed. I mix baroqes and rounds, I mean not a special day for the rounds just what comes to mind... and I don?t care that my neck has wrinkles, everyone looks at the pearls anyway:rolleyes:
I wear pearls (in some form) almost every day that I am not working. Unfortunately, since I work in a lab with nasty chemicals and splash potential (as well as occasional days of heavy exertion and subsequent perspiration) I am usually afraid to wear my pearls there, except for my cheapest beading pearls.

What a pity, I feel sorry for you Debbie!
I wear some kind of pearls, usually tahitian, about 3-4 times per week, be it earrings, bracelet, necklace or all of the above. I also love gemstones and unusual silver, like Hill Tribe, so I have to rotate those things into the mix as well.
What a pity, I feel sorry for you Debbie!

No, it's okay - you wouldn't be able to see them under the lab coat anyway. Besides, I assure you that I enjoy them very much when I am not at work.
I would say that I have at least one pearl on everyday. I wear my studs a LOT, and I also wear a little freshwater ring fairly often.
I wear pearls as often as is humanly possible. In fact I've just realised that I've come in from a long run and I still have large pink freshwater studs in my ears.

What amazed me about the GIA Pearl Grading course last week was the fact that I was the only one wearing pearls. Given that they were all jewellers/jewellery makers (and only two were male) I was stunned.
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I wear pearls almost everyday. Some pearls get to see the outside world more than others. My baroque golden SS earrings probably get the most wear. I tend to throw them on with everything. I do occasionally switch out for some other things. Yesterday, I wore some kyanite earrings from Carolyn Ehret instead. But, most days of the week, you will find me in pearls. I think baroques are the easiest strands to wear. I routinely wear my Tahitians, golden SS, and my big untreated freshwaters from Jeremy.
I wear pearls as often as is humanly possible. In fact I've just realised that I've come in from a long run and I still have large pink freshwater studs in my ears.

What amazed me about the GIA Pearl Grading course last week was the fact that I was the only one wearing pearls. Given that they were all jewellers/jewellery makers (and only two were male) I was stunned.

I know what you mean. If you ask, most of them will tell you that they own pearls, but didn't think to wear them. I can't imagine what would inspire people more than a class devoted solely to pearls. ;)

The materials that come with the class are great. I LOVE the pearl color chart. Are you going to take the written course? Doug Fiske says they are still rewriting the newer version, so you may want to wait for it. Having a Pearl Diploma is fun. ;)
I know what you mean. If you ask, most of them will tell you that they own pearls, but didn't think to wear them. I can't imagine what would inspire people more than a class devoted solely to pearls. ;)

The materials that come with the class are great. I LOVE the pearl color chart. Are you going to take the written course? Doug Fiske says they are still rewriting the newer version, so you may want to wait for it. Having a Pearl Diploma is fun. ;)

You're right. They were all pearl specialists, pearl buyers, pearl website owners and so on. But they didn't seem to like them enough to wear them, and on that day of all days .....

I will say that the course served to show me how much I don't know about grading. Much as I enjoyed it, I still came away feeling a bit confused in one or two areas! I've posted my account of the day in the Resources/Education section of the forum. I'm not sure I would have the time or funds to do the complete course, I'm even wondering if the Strack book would be a reasonable substitute, I think Jeremy alluded to that somewhere, but of course there would be no Diploma at the end of it.
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My pearls are part of my workwear (clothes+shoes+necklace+studs).
I just saw a film yesterday, it was 'De-loverly' about Cole Porter. His beautiful wife was sleeping there with her pearls on. Nothing more than pearls - but they were ON :D
I need to catch up with you, lot! Bar blue moon events, I never wear anything but rings and the occasional earring, and pearls are often out even of that picture. :o