Hong Kong - looking for info!

Beautifull work thanks for sharing.

those are some very nice pearls. Please post the finished pieces I would love to see what you do with them.


Sure would love an update on how things went in this thread! Some PIX?

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DMJ, would you mind posting your website in your signature?
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Caitlin I will there are no pearls on my normal website because most pieces I make are sold to other jewellery company s and I stay over with the ,,,, :p haha anyway I will post my twitter as website

Adeline I will post the normal pictures here when I get back to a normal computer because my iPad and phone will not let me upload pictures on pg
Should have been under here now

Anyway to go back to the topic

what hotel do people like best for the show I really love the gold coast hotel at castle peek bay because you 25 min away from town and have a lovely beach in front of the door some nice restaurants and a mc donalds :p Bad thing is you need cab s for everything out there

On the other side the hotel next to the fair is nice because after a day of working your freaking tired is really expensive tho

I never know what to book I always want at least 4 star

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Daniel, I'm not much help at all when it comes to hotels as were went to HK for a vacation..so there was no business involved...so we were not constrained by trying to keep costs down. We were at the Four Seasons $$$$ which is on the Island.

I have friends who do travel to HK regularly on business and they stay at the Langham on Kowloon, which is a more reasonable price, nothing fancy, but reliable and close to ferrys. The Icon is supposed to be quite good, newer than Langham.

If you are not familiar with Trip Advisor you should definitely check out the website as it's a great source of up to the minute reviews on anything to do with travel. They have never failed me.

I have to say, your designs on twitter took my breath away...absolutely gorgeous..if I ever get John to buy me a diamond (been waiting 25 married years for that engagement ring! I can't believe I married a guy who doesn't like jewelry!!!!) you're the guy I'm going to ask first to make a ring for me!!!! :D

And those pearls...I don't want to even post photos of my cheap scrappy little things now!! Yours are beautiful.. Mine don't even look like they are related...not even distant cousins...:p
When my Dad / my parents stay in Hong Kong when my Dad's working there, they stay at either the Conrad Hotel or Island Shangri-La. My Mama says both of those are very good indeed, but she's not sure how much either is, as Dad's clients pay for it.
yeah adeline i finnaly got to a normal computer here are the pearls from the show :) even its a iphone picture you can see the color s it takes 8 hours looking in pearl lots finding these so im really happy somebody did that for me haha

katbran thank you im happy you like my work ! i have lotttts of amazing designs i will try to show some more online :) i have to wait until jewellery london end of this year because i will be showing my first real collection there :D

the hotels are always difficult for some weird reason i always think i can do better even when i have a amazing hotel at a good price

i still have 6 months to book for the next show there so there is lotts of time :)


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Well after a frustrating 30 min..I think I have managed to create and album with at least a few pictures! Now we'll see if I can attach them! Bit embarrassed to post mine after some of the fabulous pearl photos..but..got to bite the bullet..or the pearl! I have a few photos from the show but as security had stopped me from taking pictures I was only able to snap a few without really aiming the ipad..so most of the photos ended up with a company name in them and since they didn't say I could take them I don't think it's appropriate to post them. But I did get one general shot of a table of pearls..and somewhere I do have a photo of some HUGE HUGE Tahitians that are without identification...but I'll have to add that later.

So, we have a table piled with pearls and the three strands that I managed to buy while John stood by tapping his foot and glancing at his watch. :( I know the Tahitians are pretty avg but it's a start till I get my hands on some of Josh's :p


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  • 1. Black southsea pearl, ring size 8, set in silver
    1. Black southsea pearl, ring size 8, set in silver
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Beautiful Tahitians. I'd say you did very well for your first overwhelming outing! Thanks so much for posting the photos.
Katbran, I think it's a better strategy to buy less until you know what you're doing and what you want. Otherwise there will be no money left for when you come prepared :) I think the pearls, you did get, look great.

- Karin
And the 3rd strand was...

there were two white ones and the one Tahitian :)

Thanks for the kind words Marianne, Karin and Adeline...I was afraid of making a mistake as I really wasn't sure as to how accurate all the descriptions were...so many pearls...so many grades...so many prices:confused: My head was spinning...

I only bought the Tahitians as I knew John wanted to leave for the airport and I hadn't bought anything at all while in Hong Kong .. so they were my souvenir ! Since they didnt cost much I decided I was happy with them for what they were...
Next time....I'm going to be more prepared!!!:cool:
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