Hong Kong - looking for info!

Well, I'm off to Hong Kong in two days! Very excited! One thing I did just think about...is there any prohibition against taking photos inside at these trade shows? I was thinking it may not be allowed but didn't find anything in the show information about taking photos. Weather is looking a bit rainy for the week but I will not let that dampen my pearl spirits! :)
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safe journey and happy pearling

look forward to those photos !! :o
Sorry to forget the HK show for you - I was at speed and the shenzen literature was next to my keyboard! I'm banned from travel for the next couple of months due to the due arrival of first grandchild.

That's some labour for your poor daughter / daughter-in-law to last through....
Great information ! Thanks so much Wendy and Mikeyy, you guys make great travel guides! Hadn't thought about the tailors, but John might be interested in that ...

In the late 80s and 90s, my Dad did quite a lot of work in Hong Kong (a lot less since the handover, obviously) and he had lots of lovely suits and silk shirts made there.

As my Dad has grown slightly over the years, and the shirts haven't, my brother and my dearly beloved have jointly inherited quite a lot of 15 inch collarless shirts and matching collars. (You have to have collarless shirts in court, not normal ones).


Well..I made it to the show..John didn't make it to the tailors..but we had a fabulous trip. Many thanks to all you lovely people for your suggestions, certainly helped pave the way. My knees are going to take some time to recover, if they ever manage so to do! But the show..how amazing. I was blown away by the whole experience. No idea what I was doing but met lots of nice people who were very helpful. Hong kong as a city far exceeded my expectations. So easy to get around, you feel very safe everywhere day or night, and the people were a delight. So again, a huge thanks to all who supplied info and moral support ! You guys are the best ;) <3 k :cool:
Glad you had a good time!

My brother was at school (in London) with the son of the British Ambassador to Hong Kong, so when he went on holiday there, he had a top-notch place to stay (-:
Kat - "when you are ready" - that's like code for


HA! Lemme get home first! Then I just have to sort out this iPad thingy..it seems to have a mind of its own at times! By the way..they did stop me from taking photos in the hall . . Still managed to get a few on the sly..John said he wouldn't bail me out..he thought it would be cheaper if I went to jail than remain loose in the pearl hall. Wish I could have gone again..I was just too overwhelmed with the volume of materials...managed a second trip in on the last day but just for two hours...on the way out in the car I was like ...why didn't I get this and why didn't I get that...but got lots of info and that was my goal..(that's what I keep telling myself) . Oops. Time for the next flight !
Good to see people had a good time in hk I should have gone last week only I had to stay at the company :( some of me designs where sold at the jewellery show so that's nice the people that sell my work bought me some amazing Tahitian pearls I posted them on twitter because I'm on my iPad I can't upload them here

twitter is https://www.twitter.com/DM_jewellery

Still a long time to go but it would be nice to meet up with some pearl guiders at the september fair !
Wow Daniel, Just looked at your photos. Your work is absolutely exquisite. Look forward to seeing what you do with those prize Tahitians. Thanks for sharing!
Hi Daniel

those are beautiful tahitians

also look forward to seeing what you create with them
Thanxs i Will post them here when they are finished :) it took a full day to buy these pearls last week. normally they would buy me some random lot s only because at the moment the market is down they went for selection and only bought a small group when you do this at a fair your sure you get amazing pieces but also the price will be way higher because the seller stays stuck with his low grade pearls

Next fair to search myself is Basel in three weeks :)