HinsonGayle Freeform Haven't these before???


New Member
Dec 21, 2011
Hey y'all:

I was looking Amazon and came across pearls from a company Hinson Gayle (HGPearls). They have a number of FW free form strands at varying price points. The pearls have been irradiated which seems to give them really interesting colors. The price points seem reasonable. Has anyone seen these before? I'll post some pictures:

strand 1




Strand 2


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There are two different types of pearls there. The first is a baroque and the second is the a beaded strand (fireball). The one thing off on the description is the irradiated part. The pearls are dye-treated, not irradiated.
That's interesting because the website specifically stated that they were both irradiated and not dyed and both are described as being baroque free formed pearls (which certainly means the second strand isn't bead nucleated)--although that's what it looks like to me based on a quick google search. Besides, it seems like bead nucleated FW sell for a premium--so why woudn't they disclose it if that were the case? From what I can tell the company is based in the US and discloses when other strands are dyed, so if they they are mistaken, it doesn't appear to be intentional. Anyway, they are pretty cool looking. :)

EDIT: I stand corrected. The seller describes the first strand as free formed baroque freshwater pearls that are irradiated, no dye. As for strand 2, they are described as rare, "color enhanced" baroque pearls. That could easily mean bead nucleated fireballs, without use of the terminology (since the general public probably wouldn't know what that means anyway). It looks like the second strand, even if it's dyed, is a pretty good deal.
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Dyed peacock colors can be quite gorgeous. They don't state that the strand in the photo is the one you will receive, for that much $$ I would want to see exactly what I am buying. Using correct descriptions helps educate the public in a straight forward way. They do have a 30 day return policy and are in the US, which makes a company easier to deal with if one finds they aren't pleased with their purchase.
The site has some nice pieces - a little overpriced in my mind, but I agree with Pattye - you would want some clarity as to whether they were the actual strands you are receiving..
I haven't broken one to find out, tbh, but they certainly feel as if they have good thick nacre - no visible hints at any problems. No guarantees anyway that while one strand from one source has x thick nacre another strand from another farm might be thicker or thinner. There're no x rays like tahitians. Think Edison not Akoka
I am not sure that I am even interested in buying them, but I thought they looked cool. Btw, they were being sold with free 2 day shipping and a 20% off coupon for those interested. That does change the price considerably--at least until V-day.

Anyway, I am not buying anything right now--at least until next month (mom and wife have March B-days). My wife, however, went out and bought herself a silver and freshwater necklace on her own V-day present yesterday from HSN or QVC because she liked the design. I personally thought the necklace she bought was awful looking, overpriced and took the fun out of V-day for me since I don't get a chance to surprise, but that's what she wanted andI certainly wouldn't picked it out for her (in a million, billion years). :)