Hello all I'm new to the forum, There are several posts about Pearl Bleaching & Pinking that ALL Akoya have been somewhat bleached and/or Pinked. How do I know if mine are Hanadama (untreated) or not? A bit of history: I purchased 2 strands of 6 1/2mm from a personal friend of the family who was a repeatable pearl dealer in 1993 as a gift for my mom. At that time I paid $1400 for the 2 skeins a little above wholesale, strung them as a single rope length and they were appraised for $4000 by a reputable Appraiser. Never gave much thought to the technical details of the pearls as I knew they were a high quality. Now reading up on all the junk floating around the market at ridiculously low prices driving the prices down on Quality Pearls I'm starting to wonder about mine
I've followed the guide's but cannot determine if they are natural White with a slight rose blush or have been enhanced. They are silk strung that takes up much of the hole so what little I can see into the drill hole I do not see any evidence of dye. Short of an expensive certification any suggestions?