Cyclone heading for Tahiti. Check the vid. No joke.

Hi everyone,
Back home in Tahiti now. The farm is OK as is the family. The east side of our atoll was hit very hard with a number of farms destroyed. The wind came from the west so our farm was protected (being on the west side). Our little bit of land was soaked in saltwater but being in the lee of the wind, we escaped the mayhem of the other side of the atoll.
As of this evening there is a warning of another system but the chance of it making here appears slim. Scientists tell us that the conditions remain excellent for more cyclones in Polynesia. What do they know right?
Hi Josh,
So glad that you made it home ok and that all is (relatively) well. Have been keeping you and yours in my thoughts and prayers.
Hi Josh,

It is great to hear that nothing bad happened that cannot be repaired. I hope everybody can recover in due time from this event.
Hello Josh - SO very glad to hear you are OK and that all is basically well. Wishing speedy recovery on any cleanup and clear skies your way.
Hi Josh,

I am new here, but have been reading your post for a while. Always love the pictures. I am also in a business that is affected by the elements and I know how hard it can be not have control over what nature deals us. These last few years have been so drastic. I am glad to hear all is well, it is great that we have some way of getting news so fast. Lets pray the weather patterns normalize and things quieten down.

I agree with Seahorse - it's good to know you're okay, but sad to think of the tough road ahead for others.
Thanks very much Marianne, Ramona, Heidi, Pattye, Darla and Blaire.
I'm at home today and taking a break right now from tree cleanup. So many were blown down between home and the ocean that we can see the waves breaking on the reef. Goes to show there's always a silver lining. :)

Now that the dark hour has passed, might we speculate if new circl? features such as these (swirl?) will begin to appear with forthcoming harvests?


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Nice photo. If Josh had tahitian pearls with those kind of swirls, he'd be a rich man overnight! ;)
Swirle... NICE. Steve we'll be crediting you with the term when it makes it way into Renee and Elizabeth's books. I love the idea of cyclones leaving their mark on pearls. Speaking of which (and excusing myself simultaneously for writing this in the wrong thread) I had the pleasure of meeting David Porter who showed me his Nautilus pearl with it's impressive swirle. Pretty cool stuff.
And thanks Pearl Dreams!
I am glad your friends & neighbours, your farm & house and -mainly- you family and you are all doing well. Thank God for this...
I believe there can be no scarier thing -for a Pearl farmer- than a Hurricane/Typhoon.