Happy Birthday

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Happy Birthday Caitlin.

Didn't know where to put this so stuck it anywhere.


Caitlin my favorite
Hi Caitlin,

I second that. Have a very glittery birthday.

Hi Folks
Thank you! I was so busy celebrating yesterday- all of my 3 kids are in town- that I didn't visit here much. and missed these until now.

I am so glad we inhabit this forum together and I treasure my online pearl friends as much as any friends I see in person. This forum is my absolute favorite neighborhood nowadays and has brought increased levels of fun to my life.

I am so thrilled at all the other beaders who have shown up and are announcing themselves: to them I say Habemos Forum, Carpe Forum and please post pictures!

Now, you be sure to post your birthdays too, so I can re*****cate!

Many chocolates to you all!
Hi Caitlin,

Since when is "*****" a bad word that needs to be asterisked out?

Dear admin, one hint, it comes from Latin "re ci, pro ci" and means return something for something you received, see "tid for tad".


E unio plurum
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Ho HO! My first censored post. It blanked out the letters of a brand name antibiotic. It is automatic, not the admin. rec-i-p-r-o-cate

Here is a card my youngest, Zoe painted up. Just as hard to pain t pearls and photograph the paintings as it is the pearls. This painting has orient in person.


  • zoe pearls 011.jpg
    zoe pearls 011.jpg
    107.9 KB · Views: 104
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Happy B-day, Caitlin! I think we should all send you a small bag of pearls - that should be the forum policy, eh?!

Btw, the forum is now a self-edit forum. Certain words are now blocked automatically. We put this into place to battle the daily spammers. It looks like the word -ipro (starting with a C) was blocked from the middle of a word...interesting. I will try to figure out how we can make that exception while still banning a huge spam word...
Hi Jeremy
Yes. Birthday pearls should be an important forum policy. Send all those leftovers that don't match anything and I'll send you back a personal creation on your birthday. That goes for any of you forum denizons.
........Unless you want to send me a 12+mm freshadama. I'll take the 96" size, cuz I like lots of wraps.;) :rolleyes: :D :eek: .
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Hi Jeremy,

Do those asterisks stand for a particular brand of chocolate? This asterisking is starting to make discussion hard to follow.

No. The * replace banned words such as different drugs etc. The "C" word is on that list. By automatically banning those words we are hoping to cut down on the forum spammers that hit every night. It actually appears to be working to some extent.
Hi Jeremy,

I understand, nonetheless it makes for forum reading akin to listening to a Robin Williams stand-up airing at noon on the Disney channel (too many beeps).

Hi All
I decided to add this footnote. After thinking about it, I realized i couldn't use any gift pearls to make a piece for sale and the sellers here do not need another string with pearls on it, just cuz it was made by moi. So, I am saying that I will use gift pearls in pieces I make to wear myself or to give away.

As my friends and relatives have plenty, I am looking to expand my giving to worthy people serving public institutions and/or worthy causes in a benevolant and helpful way. A kind of Pearl Fairy, if you will.

I invite any lowly beader who wishes to join me in this project of gifting deserving folks with presents of hand strung pearl jewelry. Thanks ZESPA
Measuring pearls, sizes on strands, etc

Measuring pearls, sizes on strands, etc

Not to change the subject--but---

1. What is the correct way to describe the measurement of baroque pearls? Somewhere I got the idea it was the smallest diameter.
2. Does it relate to where the drill hole is? For example a baroque vs rondelle? Are both measurements given?

3. If one purchases a strand of graduated pearls, say 9-10.5mm, how many pearls will actually be 10.5? Just one? What if the largest pearl is 10.4? Is it ok for the dealer to round up? Im talking high quality here.

4. What kind of gauge is the best for measuring pearls? I realize the little brass gauge I have now isn't adequate, and could scratch the pearl.

5. In a strand of high quality lavender pearls, will there be as close a color match as in a strand of white pearls? Given equal size, and quality, is there a difference in value between the colors?

Still puzzled after searching this forum:confused:

Pattye Saab
pattye said:
1. What is the correct way to describe the measurement of baroque pearls? Somewhere I got the idea it was the smallest diameter.
2. Does it relate to where the drill hole is? For example a baroque vs rondelle? Are both measurements given?
I think for a baroque pearl you give both the longest side and the shortest.

pattye said:
3. If one purchases a strand of graduated pearls, say 9-10.5mm, how many pearls will actually be 10.5? Just one? What if the largest pearl is 10.4? Is it ok for the dealer to round up? Im talking high quality here.
only the largest pearl is 10.5
Pearl diameter is often rounded up to the nearest half mm.

pattye said:
4. What kind of gauge is the best for measuring pearls? I realize the little brass gauge I have now isn't adequate, and could scratch the pearl.
to accurately measure the diameter of a pearl, you need a caliper such as this one (large photo inside)

pattye said:
5. In a strand of high quality lavender pearls, will there be as close a color match as in a strand of white pearls? Given equal size, and quality, is there a difference in value between the colors?
I suppose you are talking about freshwater pearls. The difference in value between colors depends on the demand (do consumer like the color?) and the offer (are there many pearls of that color?)., so yes, there is often a difference in price between colors.

Can someone correct my copy? :D
Hi Pattye,

I see FX answered most of your questions. I may add that currently lavender is hot and as an unenhanced natural color the bluer shades are the most desirable and expensive. A rich violet gets top dollar. Unenhanced color always has variations sometimes even on the same pearl. This is considered desirable.

Thanks Zeide and Effisk,

That does answer my questions. I think size should be rounded down, not up, otherwise we really aren't getting a fair deal. Especially when paying big bucks. Aren't we charged per 1/2 mm?

I am wanting some lavender freshadamas down the road. Or maybe a long lavender fw AAA rope. Yeah, I am saving up!!

Pattye Saab
Hi Pattye,

I agree with you on the subject of rounding down. However, I am very lonely on that turf. I also do not accept growth hormone implants in culturing ventures that use my money, but then those have never been profitable. However, I got some pretty dang nice pearls out of them and have nowhere else seen their likes.
