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jshepherd said:
Each cert varies. I know I have one 7.5-8 that is about .45mm.


A top akoya necklace like this would go for how much on average?

Are the admittedly very lovely and longer lasting Freshadamas more expensive?

For a Hanadama strand in the 8mm range you are looking at around $2000+. In the 9mm range it will go upwards of $4000.
The freshadama are less expensive, with the 7-8mm ranging in the $300's. We are introducing 10-11mm next week which will be the most expensive, near that of a 7.5-8mm Hanadama.

Would the freshadamas look much like the hanadamas. I mean if you were looking at someone wearing them, could a regular joe tell they were not akoyas.

Hi Slraep,
I sent you a PM but then thought others might be interested in my own side by side comparision experience.

I have an 18" freshadama strand that I bought from Jeremy. (I had arranged a private sale prior to them being made available on the web.) I wore it and went to a jeweler where I knew they carried a reasonably good selection of what is considered upper end strands. They happened to have a strand in with hanadama certification that they had special ordered for a client who ended up not purchasing it. I tried it on, next to my freshadamas. My husband was with me and, from 5 feet away, he couldn't tell the difference, and he has a good eye for details. Looking at myself in a mirror, from a distance, I could hardly tell the difference, and I have a very good eye for details. (Mostly I noticed the slight difference in size and overtone between the two.) Right up close, side by side, the hanadama strand had a harder, more metallic shine to it. (Mirror, I think, and Zeide would probably say that comes from the extra processing the akoya go through.) The only other way to tell the strands apart was by that slight difference in overtone and by the clasps.
Oh, and they let me step outside into natural light as well for a few moments so we made the comparison not just in jewelry store lighting.
Dear Youngster,

Now that is exactly the kind of comparison shopping that should be done more often. Now that you compared the look, how about the price? What was that store charging for their Hanadama strand?

Hi Zeide,
Well, they were rather coy about it, since it was a special order for a client, who I think they were hoping might still want it. The store was super busy that day so I didn't press the matter. I do know that, like most brick and mortar jewelers who don't specialize in pearls, they were asking astronomically high prices, for quality that any of the on-line merchants who frequent this site could beat in a moment. Lower end Mikimoto strands, 7.5 - 8 mm, for thousands and thousands. I didn't even bother to remember any of the prices in detail, since it was so outrageous and so out of line with what I've seen at Amanda's and Jeremy's and other sites. Once your eyes have been opened, there is no going back!

Hi Youngster,

That is my usual impression, too. Every once in a blue moon, I like to go to jewelers' stores wearing some of my more spectacular pieces and almosts infallibly some customers ask me where I got that and why the outrageously expensive store has nothing like it.

Yes, I think they got a look at what I had on (though I didn't share what it was or what it cost) and were afraid if they told me, I would collapse on to their floor in a fit of laughter.
I am going to guess that the price was around $25,000 for the Hanadama strand at a retail store. This is assuming the most common Hanadama size, 8-8.5mm. This would be in line with Mikimoto as the quality would be the same as their top line.
Hi Youngster,

Thank you for the comparison. My neighbour, who is actually Japanese,
had a hard time at first, listening to reason. She had her heart set on the akoyas. I've presented her with the facts because she asked me to. Now she is free to choose whatever she wishes.

I only know what I would buy.

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Hi Slraep,
You've provided your neighbor with a lot of information and helped her to make an informed decision. If her heart is set on the akoyas, then good for her. It might not be the decision you or I would make. But, if she is happy, then, great.
Thinking of trading in my Mikimotos

Thinking of trading in my Mikimotos

After reading about these and seeing them on the internet, I'm seriously considering selling my 7.5-8 mm A 24" stand. I've always wanted to upgrade them, but can't afford the Miki $$.

Would this be crazy?
Hi Joan,

If your existing strand is a Miki, you have two options a) the sensible economist: Sell Miki for top dollar and buy two freshadama strands, one in 8-9mm and one in 10-11mm; or b) the satirist: sell only your Miki akoyas, keep the Mystiquery trimmings and have Pearl Paradise string an 8-9mm opera freshadama on your Miki clasp. That would be the first time in over a hundred years that there were any actual pearls on a Miki clasp.

Although jet-lagged, stressed with a mile-high pile of papers on my desk, 1000 emails in my inbox, and two employees calling in sick today...you still make me laugh, Zeide:D

Hello all,

I want to make sure I understand. If it is Hanadama then it is from Japan and not China. Am I correct? :confused:

Also, someone mentioned the only way to be sure the Akoyas were from Japan and not China was to purchase 8 mm or bigger. Is that true or does it being Hanadama guarantee origin regardless of size?

Thanks in advance for your input.:)
Hanadama does not guarantee origin, it only guarantees quality. In fact, if a strand of Chinese passed hanadama grading, they would likely be better than any Japanese because the nacre would likely be thicker.

The only way to truly guarantee Japanese is to buy 8mm and larger. Anything smaller and you are at the mercy of the processors in Japan who tell their customers that they are selling them Japanese only, yet they purchase the majority of the production from China. Where does it go... It is not really a secret.

Oh, and the JPEA blue tag has absolutely nothing to do with origin either. There is a Site online that claims that tag guarantees Japanese origin. The JPEA's Website itself proves that claim is a lie.

Ok, thanks for your quick reply. So, should I really be worried about the origin of the pearls? I mean, are the Chinese hanadamas less valuable than their Japanese counterparts? :confused:
Origin has absolutely no bearing on the value. Quality is the only attribute that can matter because origin cannot be proven. The product is identical. Think of it in terms of a diamond or gold. 14k is 14k, no matter where it is mined. The same goes for diamonds.

Even the mollusk is identical. Some will claim that the Chinese use a hybrized mollusk. This is true. But in 1996 disease wiped out Japan pearl oyster population. To save their industry they imported shell from China. For the last 10 years now, even the mollusks are exactly the same.